I have looked forward to writing this blog for quite some time. Information is powerful and I think you’ll find today’s blog illuminating. Hopefully by the time you reach the end of what I have to say you’ll grasp the significance of The Jewish Sabbath Apostasy and what brought it about.
I’ve had the blessed opportunity to share with others the fruit of my critical thinking and it has been my rich reward to watch the lights come on as people begin to realize the logical conclusions I proclaim.
In this blog I’ll briefly unveil my Sabbath journey. I’ll then move on to reveal an ancient sky that was very different than what we see today. You will discover terrifying astronomical events that cultures around the world witnessed and recorded, actual historical events that triggered the sudden rise of the worship of the host of heaven near the time of the Flood of Noah. These events have been cloaked as mythology but are only now being rediscovered, not as myth, but as being actual historical events by those who study mythology’s artwork and writings as well as ancient rock art recorded around the world that testifies to mankind, scattered around the world, having seen the exact same terrifying events in the heavens. These events have now been recreated in plasma physics labs to confirm what has been recorded in rock by eyewitnesses from ancient times. These events are the very foundation for the names currently being used for the days of the pagan planetary worship week of the Gregorian Calendar that the whole world follows today, including Saturday, formerly known as Saturn’s Day!
I will then site the Scriptural case against Israel for having forsaken Yahuah for Ba’al and then link Israel’s worship of Ba’al to Israel’s worship of Saturn. Once I’ve done all of that I will draw the natural conclusion linking the Jewish ‘Synagogue of Satan’ to Saturn worship via the ‘Synagogue of Satan‘ worshipping on Saturn’s Day, i.e. Saturday!
So, there’s a lot of ground to cover… may you be led by the Ruach HaQodesh as you continue to read.
It was shortly after my 50th birthday in April of 2004 that I did an internet search for the phrase “born again”. I had arrived at conclusions on the matter that didn’t match any of the denominations that I knew of. I was looking for a new church home and didn’t know where to turn. After reading many articles on the subject I finally found one and then another that used the same verses and arrived at the same conclusions that I did, i.e. even though our ‘born again’ experience may begin in a mere moment, it is actually a process that evolves over time and culminates with our resurrection. In other words it’s not something that happens in a snap of the fingers or in answering an altar call. While I was thrilled to finally realize I wasn’t alone in my beliefs regarding the ‘born again’ issue what really caught my attention is that the website I had discovered was promoting 7th Day Sabbath Observance and immediately I knew, that I knew, that I wanted to keep the 7th Day Sabbath too! The problem for me was that I worked in a steel mill that ran 24/7 and according to the shift rotation I was only off work every other weekend. Of course that same problem affected my Sunday observance as well but for some reason that didn’t seem to bother me.
The 7th Day Sabbath hook had set deep and it was no longer acceptable to me to be missing worship services every other weekend. For the next two years I continued to study and attend 7th Day Sabbath services at locations that were typically around 150 miles away, it really didn’t seem like I was observing a day of rest having to drive 300 mile round trips between church and home. Nevertheless, in order to do that as often as I could I burned every vacation day I had for the next two years. I was frustrated that I always came up short of vacation days to allow me to attend services every weekend throughout the year, so I quit! Having to work on the 7th Day Sabbath became totally unacceptable so I quit a very good paying job for my skill set and knew beyond a shadow of doubt I’d never make that kind of money again and being only 50 years old at the time I didn’t have anywhere near enough money in my 401K to retire. I didn’t care, I knew what was important and nothing was going to stop me from pursuing the 7th Day Sabbath!
Can you imagine, after reading of my 7th Day Sabbath journey above, how devastating it was for me to discover five years later that Saturday IS NOT the 7th Day Sabbath of Scripture? That in fact, I threw away a great paying job for a psuedo-sabbath! In quitting that really good paying job it’s obvious my heart was in the right place, but how could I have gotten it so monumentally wrong?
Simply put…
“Those who don’t know history are destined to repeat it.”
Because I was ignorant of the fact that… the history of pagan mythology, contrary to popular belief, is based in actual, literal and terrifying historical events that took place in the ancient skies and witnessed by humanity around the globe, resulting in paganism’s worship of the host of heaven… I was therefore easily drawn into THE HUGE ASSUMPTION that the Jew’s observance of Saturn’s Day Sabbath was legit and that it was no big deal that Pope Gregory’s 7th Day of his pagan planetary worship week, i.e. Saturn’s Day, was coincidentally the same day as the Scriptural 7th Day Sabbath.
I had been duped into believing a long standing lie, the Jewish observance of Saturn’s Day Sabbath as the Scriptural 7th Day Sabbath! It was and continues to be a lie right out of the bowels of paganism! Is it any wonder that witchcraft over the centuries has always worshipped on Saturn’s Day? And what about that Jewish tradition of lighting Sabbath Candles to invite Shekinah into their homes during the Sabbath? Pure witchcraft! The sight of women waving their hands over the flames of the candles with some incantation is surely a grievance to YHWH! Furthermore, is it any wonder that much of the witchcraft practiced today has Jewish connections? With that in mind let’s consider what Ezekiel 20:12 says,
“And I also gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign between them and Me, to know that I am יהוה who sets them apart.”
How can Jews keeping Saturn’s Day be set-apart to YHWH if they are keeping the same ‘supposed’ 7th Day Sabbath as those who practice the witchcraft He hates?
When I made my switch from Saturn’s Day Sabbath observance to Lunar Sabbath observance I still didn’t know about the literal human experience of the ancient peoples in history that forms the foundation for the mythology that drives paganism’s worship of the host of heaven. Those truths would eventually come later as an affirming reinforcement to the decision I made to switch to Lunar Sabbath observance based on Scripture alone.
Once I finish my personal testimony regarding my introduction to Lunar Sabbath observance I’ll then begin to make my case from Scripture beginning with Genesis 10:8 against what I’ve been calling ‘The Jewish Sabbath Apostasy’. I’ll also begin to share historical evidence from rock art recorded from the four corners of the Earth, which is now being recognized by both plasma physicists and mythologists as rudimentary depictions of plasma discharge events between planets witnessed by all cultures in the not too distant past. These plasma discharge events are the very source of all mythology attested to through ancient paintings, sculpture and historical writings. The ‘Ancient Monumental Culture’ was a result of these extraordinarily chaotic heavenly plasma discharge events involving the planets Saturn, Venus and Mars in a close encounter with planet Earth. I believe these fear instilling events, although not recorded in Scripture, took place at the time of Noah’s Flood resulting in the immediate rise of the never before seen worship of the host of heaven!
In 2010 during Sukkot at Bell Cow Lake near Chandler Oklahoma I was given a set of four DVDs created by Troy Miller proclaiming Lunar Sabbath observance. The gentleman who gave them to me said, “Give these a look and then throw them away.” I thought it a strange way to give a gift but accepted the gift and told him I would take a look at them. Looking back I can’t say why he decided to give them to me but later on discovered he didn’t believe in Lunar Sabbath reckoning. At the time he gave them to me I had already been spoiled on Lunar Sabbath reckoning having heard others talking about it, I myself had never looked into the matter and quite frankly wasn’t interested. After returning home I didn’t feel I had the time to watch four hours of a Lunar Sabbath powerpoint presentation when I already didn’t believe in it.
Well, after four months of having those 4 DVDs haunt me every time I walked passed them, after all I had told the man I would look at them, I finally broke and reprimanded myself saying, “Buck up Alder, be a man of your word, you told the Doug you’d watch them!” So reluctantly I slid the first DVD into the drive of my laptop. Within 20 minutes the evidence presented on those DVDs had me literally saying…
“Oh my goodness, what have we done!”
That man’s trash became my treasure!
Faced with the evidence I’d been introduced to I now had another difficult choice to make. I was then co-owner of a carpentry business with my son who had also switched to what I will from this point on refer to as ‘Saturn’s Day’ Sabbath. If I chose to abandon Saturn’s Day observance for a 7th Day Sabbath reckoned by the Two Great Lights of Genesis 1 without my son following suit it would throw our work schedule into utter chaos! And that’s not to mention the amount of work hours and money we’d lose. At the time I became convicted of Lunar Sabbath observance we were working a fairly big job that was going to take a couple months to finish. I had to draw the line somewhere so I decided to tell my son that I would continue to work this job according to our pagan calendar Sabbath observance and once the job was finished I’d switch to Lunar Sabbath observance in order to minimize disruption to his planning our work schedules. That was probably 11 years ago and I’ve been keeping Lunar Sabbath observance ever since. Over the course of those 11 years I’ve had to make some course corrections as I continued to study Scriptural Calendar texts. I’ve changed my New Moon observance from Dark Moon Conjunction to Full Moon, once you’ve seen it you can’t help but be convinced by it! Here again, the change for me came quickly, literally overnight! The Almighty’s 7th Day Sabbaths, which are thankfully now ‘my’ 7th Day Sabbaths, fall on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th Days of every Lunar Cycle or month beaconed by the 1st Full Moon to rise after the setting of the Sun. There is not a single 7th Day Sabbath recorded in all of Scripture that falls on any other day of any month! The weeks are dynamically reset every monthly transition according to the orbit of the moon around the earth, resulting in either 29, 30 and on very rare occasions 31 day months. I’ve only counted 31 days once and that was in the Fall of 2020. In other words the weeks are restored to their original confinement within the months and are no longer an unbroken chain of weekly cycles that transition through the monthly cycles unscathed as is the case with Pope Gregory XIII’s pagan deity weekday calendar fraud.
The fruit of these decisions I’ve been faced with has resulted in this website where I share with people the lessons I’ve learned from Scripture and history so let’s dig into both regarding The Jewish Sabbath Apostasy!
In the beginning Yahuah put in place orbs in the heavens to mark time, He referred to them as TWO GREAT LIGHTS in Genesis 1:16. From Scripture we can easily discern these TWO GREAT LIGHTS as being the LIGHT of the Sun and the Full Moon from which all calendar reckoning is to be aligned, including the weekly cycle! As it is today the Jews use two calendars, the Jewish Calendar for the Monthly Cycles and Annual Moedim (they have made a mess of both) and the Gregorian Calendar to mark their Weekly Cycles from which they draw the timing of their pagan Saturn’s Day observance. About the only thing that can be seen as having been drawn from Scripture in these two calendars is the names of the Annual Moedim and the number of days in a week, everything else is unscriptural resulting in the beginning of the years and months, as well as the Annual Moedim and the 7th Day Sabbaths being kept in an untimely fashion. This is a huge problem since these dates are referred to in Scripture as “Appointed Times”, which is what ‘Moedim’ means in English. The use of these two calendars have demanded the need for the Jewish Postponement Rules which they use to postpone the beginning of months by up to 2 days in order to avoid having any of the Annual Moedim falling next to their pagan Saturn’s Day observance! Have you ever read of any Postponement Rules in Scripture? Neither have I!!!
Clearly, the beacons for all the increments of time for the entire calendar are put into place in Genesis 1. Genesis 1:1-2 speak of the very first day when the material world and time itself were created, it stands as perfect logic that we’re talking about the 1st Day of the 1st Month of the 1st Year… but was it the 1st Day of the 1st Week? No! Genesis 1:1-2 is talking about a period of time (New Moon Day) that precedes The Creation Week, which begins in Genesis 1:3 when the narrative of the 1st Day of the Creation Week begins with “And Elohim said,…” just as every other day of The Creation Week begins.
Before I go further I’d like to start establishing the chronology of the events being described even though I’m convinced the known manuscript errors between the Masoretic text and that of the Septuagint leave plenty of reason to doubt the accuracy of those dates, the geneolgies in Genesis 11 alone accounting for 650 year descrepancies. The first five books of Scripture, known as the Torah of Moses or the Pentateuch is believed to have been written in the 1445 -1405 B.C era. Those five books record the history of mankind from the Creation event forward to the end of the 40 years Israel was forced to spend in the desert after having shown no faith (Numbers 14:33).
By the time we get to the Flood of Noah in Genesis 6 (circa 2472 B.C.) and the Tower of Babel (circa 2242 B.C.) in Genesis 10 we begin to see the worship of the host of heaven begin.
Gen 10:8 And Kush brought forth Nimroḏ, he began to be a mighty one on the earth.
Just as the Roman Catholic Pope is called The Vicar of Christ by Roman Catholic adherents, ’Vicar’ meaning a representative, deputy or substitute; anyone acting "in the person of" or agent for a superior. So also, Nimrod became the Vicar of Saturn, the deified planet and the worship of the host of heaven was off and running.
Once Israel is freed from the bondage of Egypt, (circa 1491 B.C.) which was steeped in the worship of pagan deities, Yahuah announces His 10 Commandments, one of which is…
Exo 20:3 “You have no other mighty ones against My face.
Exo 20:4 “You do not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of that which is in the heavens above, or which is in the earth beneath, or which is in the waters under the earth,
Exo 20:5 you do not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, יהוה your Elohim am a jealous Ěl, visiting the crookedness of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me,
Exo 20:6 but showing loving-commitment to thousands, to those who love Me and guard My commands.
That of course is the 2nd Commandment, which strikes directly against Nimrod having become a “mighty one” in the eyes of the people.
It is of particular note that one of the last things Yahuah reiterated to Moses before Moses came down from Mount Sinai after 40 days and nights was the need for Israel to keep His Sabbaths, which was then immediately followed by the admonition to never speak the names of other ‘mighty ones’.
Exo 23:12 “Six days you are to do your work, and on the seventh day you rest, in order that your ox and your donkey might rest, and the son of your female servant and the sojourner be refreshed.
Exo 23:13 “And in all that I have said to you take heed. And make no mention of the name of other ‘mighty ones’, let it not be heard from your mouth.
Brothers and Sisters, every day of the week of the Gregorian Calendar of both the Roman Catholic Church and the Roman Empire is named after the deified Sun, Moon or one of the 5 known planets at that time, chief among them at that time was Saturn! This is the worship of the host of heaven, forbidden by Yahuah! These are the names of the ‘mighty ones’ of the Gregorian Calendar!
Before we leave Mount Sinai and the Book of Exodus let’s not forget Aaron’s fashioning The Golden Calf and the people saying…
Exo 32:4b …“This is your mighty one, O Yisra’ěl, that brought you out of the land of Mitsrayim!”
Why did Aaron and the people of Israel see that molded calf of gold as being the “mighty one” that brought them out of the land of Mistsrayim (Egypt)? It seems it’s easier to take the people out of Egypt than it is to take Egypt out of the people. That molded Golden Calf was a representation of an Egyptian Apis Calf, which was the iconic worship symbol of the deified planet Saturn!!!
The 12 Tribes of Israel have historically been known as Saturn’s Children. How so? The Scriptures tell us so, that’s how so! Let’s take a look into Israel’s history of Ba‛al worship once they’re delivered into The Promised Land of Israel.
Israel's Disobedience
(Circa 1050 -1000 B.C.)
Jdg 2:1 And the Messenger of יהוה came up from Gilgal to Boḵim, and said, “I led you up from Mitsrayim and brought you to the land of which I swore to your fathers, and I said, ‘I do not break My covenant with you,
Jdg 2:2 and as for you, do not make a covenant with the inhabitants of this land – break down their slaughter-places.’ But you have not obeyed My voice. What is this you have done?
Jdg 2:3 “Therefore I also said, ‘I am not driving them out before you, and they shall be adversaries to you, and their mighty ones shall be a snare to you.’ ”
Jdg 2:4 And it came to be, when the Messenger of יהוה spoke these words to all the children of Yisra’ěl, that the people lifted up their voice and wept.
Jdg 2:5 So they called the name of that place Boḵim, and slaughtered there to יהוה.
The Death of Joshua
Jdg 2:6 Then Yehoshua dismissed the people, and the children of Yisra’ěl went each to his own inheritance to possess the land.
Jdg 2:7 And the people served יהוה all the days of Yehoshua, and all the days of the elders who outlived Yehoshua, who had seen all the great works of יהוה which He had done for Yisra’ěl.
Jdg 2:8 And Yehoshua son of Nun, the servant of יהוה, died, one hundred and ten years old.
Jdg 2:9 And they buried him within the border of his inheritance at Timnath Ḥeres, in the mountains of Ephrayim, on the north side of Mount Ga‛ash.
Jdg 2:10 And all that generation were likewise gathered to their fathers, and another generation arose after them who did not know יהוה nor the work which He had done for Yisra’ěl.
Israel's Unfaithfulness
Jdg 2:11 Then the children of Yisra’ěl did evil in the eyes of יהוה, and served the Ba‛als,
Jdg 2:12 and forsook יהוה Elohim of their fathers, who had brought them out of the land of Mitsrayim, and went after other mighty ones, of the mighty ones of the people who were all around them, and they bowed down to them, and provoked יהוה.
Jdg 2:13 So they forsook יהוה and served Ba‛al and the Ashtoreths.
”The rest…” as they say, “…is history!”
Let’s look into it…
Jdg 6:25 And the same night it came to be that יהוה said to him, “Take the young bull of your father, and the second bull of seven years old, and you shall throw down the slaughter-place of Ba‛al that your father has, and cut down the Ashěrah that is beside it.
Jdg 8:33 And it came to be, when Giḏ‛on was dead, that the children of Yisra’ěl again went whoring after the Ba‛als, and made Ba‛al-Berith their mighty one.
(Circa 1000 - 900 B.C.)
Psa 106:28 And they joined themselves to Ba‛al Pe‛or, And ate slaughterings made to the dead.
(Circa 715 -710 B.C.)
Hos 2:16 “And it shall be, in that day,” declares יהוה, “that you call Me ‘My Husband,’ and no longer call Me ‘My Ba‛al.’
Israel’s constant state of apostasy takes its toll on Yahuah’s favor as we see in Isaiah 1:14…
The Wickedness of Judah
(Circa 700 - 680 B.C.)
Isa 1:2 Hear, O heavens, and listen, O earth! For יהוה has spoken, “I have reared and brought up children, but they have transgressed against Me.
Isa 1:3 An ox knows its owner and a donkey its master’s crib – Yisra’ěl does not know, My people have not understood.”
Isa 1:4 Alas, sinning nation, a people loaded with crookedness, a seed of evil-doers, sons acting corruptly! They have forsaken יהוה, they have provoked the Set-apart One of Yisra’ěl, they went backward.
Isa 1:5 Why should you be stricken any more? You continue in apostasy! All the head is sick, and all the heart faints.
Isa 1:6 From the sole of the foot, to the head, there is no soundness in it – wounds and bruises and open sores; they have not been closed or bound up, or soothed with ointment.
Isa 1:7 Your land is laid waste, your cities are burned with fire, strangers devour your land in your presence. And it is laid waste, as overthrown by strangers.
Isa 1:8 And the daughter of Tsiyon is left as a booth in a vineyard, as a hut in a garden of cucumbers, as a besieged city.
Isa 1:9 Unless יהוה of hosts had left to us a small remnant, we would have become like Seḏom, we would have been made like Amorah.
1:10 Hear the word of יהוה, you rulers of Seḏom; give ear to the Torah of our Elohim, you people of Amorah!
Isa 1:11 “Of what use to Me are your many slaughterings?” declares יהוה. “I have had enough of ascending offerings of rams and the fat of fed beasts. I do not delight in the blood of bulls, or of lambs or goats.
Isa 1:12 “When you come to appear before Me, who has required this from your hand, to trample My courtyards?
Isa 1:13 “Stop bringing futile offerings, incense, it is an abomination to Me. New moons, Sabbaths, the calling of gatherings – I am unable to bear unrighteousness and assembly.
Isa 1:14 “My being hates your New moons and your appointed times, they are a trouble to Me, I am weary of bearing them.
Could it be because their offerings, incense, New Moons, Appointed Times and Sabbaths were all being offered and kept according to their pagan traditions? Were their days of worship governed by a false New Moon and a false 7th Day Sabbath in submission to a false pagan deity, i.e. the First Visible Crescent and Saturn’s Day of Ba’al?
Always keep in mind, the god you serve dictates the day you worship that god!
The reverse is also true, the day you worship dictates the god you worship!
Whether intentionally or unwittingly!
(Circa 560 - 550 B.C.)
1Ki 16:31 And it came to be, as though it had been a light matter for him to walk in the sins of Yaroḇ‛am son of Neḇat, that he took as wife Izeḇel the daughter of Ethba‛al, sovereign of the Tsiḏonians. And he went and served Ba‛al and bowed himself to it,
1Ki 16:32 and raised up a slaughter-place for Ba‛al in the house of Ba‛al, which he had built in Shomeron.
1Ki 16:33 And Aḥaḇ made an Ashěrah. And Aḥaḇ did more to provoke יהוה Elohim of Yisra’ěl than all the sovereigns of Yisra’ěl before him.
1Ki 18:17 And it came to be, when Aḥaḇ saw Ěliyahu, that Aḥaḇ said to him, “Is that you, O disturber of Yisra’ěl?”
1Ki 18:18 And he answered, “I have not disturbed Yisra’ěl, but you and your father’s house, in that you have forsaken the commands of יהוה, and you have followed the Ba‛als.
1Ki 18:19 “And now, send and gather all Yisra’ěl to me on Mount Karmel, the four hundred and fifty prophets of Ba‛al, and the four hundred prophets of Ashěrah, who eat at Izeḇel’s table.”
1Ki 18:20 Aḥaḇ then sent for all the children of Yisra’ěl, and gathered the prophets on Mount Karmel.
1Ki 18:21 And Ěliyahu came to all the people, and said, “How long would you keep hopping between two opinions? If יהוה is Elohim, follow Him; and if Ba‛al, follow him.” But the people answered him not a word.
1Ki 18:22 And Ěliyahu said to the people, “I alone am left a prophet of יהוה, but the prophets of Ba‛al are four hundred and fifty men.
1Ki 18:23 “Now let them give us two bulls. And let them choose one bull for themselves, and cut it in pieces, and lay it on the wood, but set no fire. And I, I prepare the other bull, and shall lay it on the wood, but set no fire.
1Ki 18:24 “And you shall call on the name of your mighty one, and I, I call on the Name of יהוה. And the Elohim who answers by fire, He is Elohim.” So all the people answered and said, “The word is good.”
1Ki 18:25 And Ěliyahu said to the prophets of Ba‛al, “Choose one bull for yourselves and prepare it first, for you are many. And call on the name of your mighty one, but set no fire.”
1Ki 18:26 So they took the bull which was given them, and prepared it, and called on the name of Ba‛al from morning even until noon, saying, “O Ba‛al, answer us!” But there was no voice and no one answered. And they leaped about the slaughter-place which they had made.
1Ki 18:27 And it came to be at noon, that Ěliyahu taunted them and said, “Cry aloud, for he is a mighty one; he is meditating, or he is busy, or he is on a journey, or it could be that he is asleep and has to be awakened!”
1Ki 18:28 And they cried aloud, and cut themselves, according to their ruling, with knives and spears, until the blood gushed out on them.
1Ki 18:29 And it came to be when midday was past, that they prophesied until the time of bringing the evening offering. But there was no voice and no one answered, and no one paying attention.
1Ki 18:30 Then Ěliyahu said to all the people, “Come closer to me.” And all the people came closer to him. And he repaired the slaughter-place of יהוה that was broken down.
1Ki 18:31 And Ěliyahu took twelve stones, according to the number of the tribes of the sons of Ya‛aqoḇ, to whom the word of יהוה had come, saying, “Yisra’ěl is your name.”
1Ki 18:32 And with the stones he built a slaughter-place in the Name of יהוה. And he made a trench around the slaughter-place large enough to hold two seahs of seed.
1Ki 18:33 And he arranged the wood, and cut the bull in pieces, and laid it on the wood, and said, “Fill four jars with water, and pour it on the ascending offering and on the wood.”
1Ki 18:34 Then he said, “Do it a second time,” and they did it a second time. And he said, “Do it a third time,” and they did it a third time.
1Ki 18:35 And the water flowed around the slaughter-place, and he filled the trench with water too.
1Ki 18:36 And it came to be, at the time of bringing the evening offering, that Ěliyahu the prophet came near and said, “יהוה Elohim of Aḇraham, Yitsḥaq, and Yisra’ěl, let it be known today: You are Elohim in Yisra’ěl, and I Your servant, have done all these matters by Your word.
1Ki 18:37 “Answer me, O יהוה, answer me, and let this people know that You are יהוה Elohim, and You shall turn their hearts back to You again.”
1Ki 18:38 Then the fire of יהוה fell and consumed the ascending offering, and the wood and the stones and the dust, and it licked up the water that was in the trench.
1Ki 18:39 And all the people saw, and fell on their faces, and said, “יהוה, He is the Elohim! יהוה, He is the Elohim!”
1Ki 18:40 And Ěliyahu said to them, “Seize the prophets of Ba‛al! Do not let one of them escape!” So they seized them, and Ěliyahu brought them down to the wadi Qishon and slew them there.
1Ki 19:18 “And I shall leave seven thousand in Yisra’ěl, all whose knees have not bowed to Ba‛al, and every mouth that has not kissed him.”
1Ki 22:51 Aḥazyahu son of Aḥaḇ began to reign over Yisra’ěl in Shomeron in the seventeenth year of Yehoshaphat sovereign of Yehuḏah, and reigned two years over Yisra’ěl,
1Ki 22:52 and did evil in the eyes of יהוה, and walked in the way of his father and in the way of his mother and in the way of Yaroḇ‛am son of Neḇat, who had made Yisra’ěl sin,
1Ki 22:53 and served Ba‛al and bowed himself to it, and provoked יהוה Elohim of Yisra’ěl, according to all that his father had done.
(circa 560 - 550 B.C.)
2Ki 1:2 And Aḥazyah fell through the lattice of his upper room in Shomeron, and was injured, and sent messengers and said to them, “Go, inquire of Ba‛al-Zeḇuḇ, the mighty one of Eqron, if I shall recover from this injury.”
2Ki 1:3 But a messenger of יהוה spoke to Ěliyah the Tishbite, “Rise up, go up to meet the messengers of the sovereign of Shomeron, and say to them, ‘Is it because there is no Elohim in Yisra’ěl that you are going to inquire of Ba‛al-Zeḇuḇ, the mighty one of Eqron?’
2Ki 1:4 “So therefore, thus said יהוה, ‘You are not going to get out of the bed to which you have gone up, for you shall certainly die.’ ” And Ěliyah went.
2Ki 1:5 And the messengers returned to him, and he said to them, “Why have you come back?”
2Ki 1:6 And they said to him, “A man came up to meet us, and said to us, ‘Go, return to the sovereign who sent you, and say to him, “Thus said יהוה, ‘Is it because there is no Elohim in Yisra’ěl that you are sending to inquire of Ba‛al-Zeḇuḇ, the mighty one of Eqron? Therefore you are not going to get out of the bed to which you have gone up, for you shall certainly die.’ ” ’ ”
2Ki 1:7 And he said to them, “What was the man like who came up to meet you and spoke to you these words?”
2Ki 1:8 And they answered him, “He was a hairy man, and wore a leather girdle around his waist.” And he said, “It is Ěliyah the Tishbite.”
2Ki 1:9 He then sent to him a captain of fifty with his fifty men. And he went up to him, and see, he was sitting on the top of a hill. And he spoke to him, “Man of Elohim, the sovereign has said, ‘Come down!’ ”
2Ki 1:10 And Ěliyahu answered and said to the captain of fifty, “And if I am a man of Elohim, let fire come down from the heavens and consume you and your fifty men.” And fire came down from the heavens and consumed him and his fifty.
2Ki 1:11 He then sent another captain of fifty with his fifty men to him. And he answered and said to him, “Man of Elohim, this is what the sovereign said, ‘Come down at once!’ ”
2Ki 1:12 And Ěliyah answered and said to them, “If I am a man of Elohim, let fire come down from the heavens and consume you and your fifty men.” And a fire of Elohim came down from the heavens and consumed him and his fifty.
2Ki 1:13 And again he sent a third captain of fifty with his fifty men. And the third captain of fifty went up, and came and fell on his knees before Ěliyahu, and pleaded with him, and said to him, “Man of Elohim, please let my life and the life of these fifty servants of yours be precious in your eyes.
2Ki 1:14 “See, fire has come down from the heavens and burned up the first two captains of fifties with their fifties. But let my life be precious in your eyes.”
2Ki 1:15 And the Messenger of יהוה said to Ěliyahu, “Go down with him; do not be afraid of him.” So he rose up and went down with him to the sovereign,
2Ki 1:16 and spoke to him, “Thus said יהוה, ‘Because you have sent messengers to inquire of Ba‛al-Zeḇuḇ, the mighty one of Eqron, is it because there is no Elohim in Yisra’ěl to inquire of His word? Therefore you are not going to get out of the bed to which you have gone up, for you shall certainly die.’ ”
2Ki 1:17 And he died, according to the word of יהוה which Ěliyahu had spoken. And Yehoram reigned in his place, in the second year of Yehoram son of Yehoshaphat sovereign of Yehuḏah, for he had no son.
2Ki 3:1 And Yehoram son of Aḥaḇ began to reign over Yisra’ěl at Shomeron in the eighteenth year of Yehoshaphat sovereign of Yehuḏah, and reigned twelve years.
2Ki 3:2 And he did evil in the eyes of יהוה, but not like his father and mother; for he removed the statue of Ba‛al which his father had made.
2Ki 10:18 And Yěhu gathered all the people and said to them, “Aḥaḇ served Ba‛al a little; Yěhu serves him much.
2Ki 10:19 “And now, call to me all the prophets of Ba‛al, all his servants, and all his priests. Let no one be missing, for I have a great slaughtering to make to Ba‛al. Anyone who is lacking shall not live!” But Yěhu did this deceptively, in order to destroy the servants of Ba‛al.
2Ki 10:20 And Yěhu said, “Set apart an assembly for Ba‛al.” So they proclaimed it.
2Ki 10:21 And Yěhu sent throughout all Yisra’ěl, and all the servants of Ba‛al came, so that there was not a man left who did not come. And they came into the house of Ba‛al, and the house of Ba‛al was filled from end to end.
2Ki 10:22 And he said to him who was over the wardrobe, “Bring out garments for all the servants of Ba‛al.” And he brought out garments for them.
2Ki 10:23 And Yěhu and Yehonaḏaḇ son of Rěḵaḇ went into the house of Ba‛al, and said to the servants of Ba‛al, “Search and see that no servants of יהוה are here with you, but only the servants of Ba‛al.”
2Ki 10:24 So they went in to make slaughterings and ascending offerings. Now Yěhu had appointed for himself eighty men on the outside, and had said, “The man who lets escape any of the men whom I have brought into your hands – his life for his life!”
2Ki 10:25 And it came to be, when he had finished making the ascending offering, Yěhu said to the guard and to the officers, “Go in, strike them, let no one come out!” And they struck them with the edge of the sword, and the guards and the officers threw them out, and went into the inner room of the house of Ba‛al,
2Ki 10:26 and brought out the pillars of the house of Ba‛al and burned them,
2Ki 10:27 and broke down the statue of Ba‛al, and broke down the house of Ba‛al and made it a latrine to this day.
2Ki 10:28 Thus Yěhu destroyed Ba‛al out of Yisra’ěl.
2Ki 11:17 And Yehoyaḏa made a covenant between יהוה and the sovereign and the people, to be the people of יהוה – also between the sovereign and the people.
2Ki 11:18 And all the people of the land went to the house of Ba‛al, and broke it down. They completely broke up its slaughter-places and images, and killed Mattan the priest of Ba‛al before the slaughter-places. And the priest appointed inspectors over the House of יהוה,
2Ki 11:19 and took the commanders of hundreds, and the Karites, and the runners, and all the people of the land. And they brought the sovereign down from the House of יהוה, and went by way of the gate of the runners to the sovereign’s house. And he sat on the throne of the sovereigns.
2Ki 11:20 And all the people of the land rejoiced. And the city had rest, for they had slain Athalyahu with the sword in the sovereign’s house.
2Ki 17:16 And they left all the commands of יהוה their Elohim, and made for themselves a moulded image, two calves, and made an Ashěrah and bowed themselves to all the host of the heavens, and served Ba‛al, (Read the chapter, mixed worship)
2Ki 17:19 Yehuḏah, also, did not guard the commands of יהוה their Elohim, but walked in the laws of Yisra’ěl which they made.
2Ki 17:33 They were fearing יהוה, and they were serving their own mighty ones, according to the ruling of the nations from among whom they had been exiled.
2Ki 17:41 So these nations were fearing יהוה, and served their carved images, both their children and their children’s children. As their fathers did, they are doing to this day.
2Ki 21:1 Menashsheh was twelve years old when he began to reign, and he reigned fifty-five years in Yerushalayim. And his mother’s name was Ḥephtsiḇah.
2Ki 21:2 And he did evil in the eyes of יהוה, according to the abominations of the nations whom יהוה dispossessed before the children of Yisra’ěl.
2Ki 21:3 For he turned and built the high places which Ḥizqiyahu his father had destroyed, and raised up slaughter-places for Ba‛al, and made an Ashěrah, as Aḥaḇ sovereign of Yisra’ěl had done, and he bowed himself to all the host of the heavens and served them.
2Ki 21:4 And he built slaughter-places in the House of יהוה, of which יהוה had said, “In Yerushalayim I put My Name.”
2Ki 21:5 And he built slaughter-places for all the host of the heavens in the two courtyards of the House of יהוה.
2Ki 21:6 And he made his son pass through the fire, and practised magic, and used divination, and consulted spiritists and mediums. He did much evil in the eyes of יהוה, to provoke Him.
2Ki 21:7 And he placed a carved image of Ashěrah that he had made in the House of which יהוה had said to Dawiḏ and to Shelomoh his son, “In this house and in Yerushalayim, which I have chosen out of all the tribes of Yisra’ěl, I put My Name forever,
2Ki 21:8 and no more shall I cause the feet of Yisra’ěl to move from the soil which I gave their fathers – only if they guard to do according to all that I have commanded them, and according to all the Torah that My servant Mosheh commanded them.”
2Ki 21:9 But they did not obey, and Menashsheh led them astray to do more evil than the nations whom יהוה had destroyed before the children of Yisra’ěl.
2Ki 23:1 And the sovereign sent, and they gathered all the elders of Yehuḏah and Yerushalayim to him.
2Ki 23:2 And the sovereign went up to the House of יהוה with all the men of Yehuḏah, and all the inhabitants of Yerushalayim with him, and the priests and the prophets and all the people, both small and great. And he read in their hearing all the words of the Book of the Covenant which had been found in the House of יהוה.
2Ki 23:3 And the sovereign stood by the column and made a covenant before יהוה, to follow יהוה and to guard His commands and His witnesses and His laws, with all his heart and all his being, to establish the words of this covenant that were written in this book. And all the people stood to the covenant.
2Ki 23:4 Then the sovereign commanded Ḥilqiyahu the high priest, and the priests of the second order, and the doorkeepers, to bring out of the Hěḵal of יהוה all the objects that were made for Ba‛al, and for Ashěrah, and for all the host of the heavens. And he burned them outside Yerushalayim in the fields of Qiḏron, and took their ashes to Běyth Ěl.
2Ki 23:5 And he put down the black-robed priests whom the sovereigns of Yehuḏah had appointed to burn incense on the high places in the cities of Yehuḏah and in the places all around Yerushalayim, and those who burned incense to Ba‛al, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the constellations, and to all the host of the heavens.
2Ki 23:6 And he brought out the Ashěrah from the House of יהוה, to the wadi Qiḏron outside Yerushalayim, and burned it at the wadi Qiḏron and ground it to ashes, and threw its ashes on the burial-sites of the sons of the people.
2Ki 23:7 And he broke down the houses of the male cult prostitutes that were in the House of יהוה, where the women wove tapestries for the Ashěrah.
2Ki 23:8 And he brought all the priests from the cities of Yehuḏah, and defiled the high places where the priests had burned incense, from Geḇa to Be’ěrsheḇa, and broke down the high places at the gates which were at the entrance of the Gate of Yehoshua the governor of the city, which were to the left of the city gate.
2Ki 23:9 However, the priests of the high places did not come up to the slaughter-place of יהוה in Yerushalayim, but they ate unleavened bread among their brothers.
2Ki 23:10 And he defiled Topheth, which is in the Valley of the Son of Hinnom, so that no man could make his son or his daughter pass through the fire to Moleḵ.
2Ki 23:11 And he did away with the horses that the sovereigns of Yehuḏah had given to the sun, at the entrance to the House of יהוה, by the room of Nathan-Meleḵ the eunuch, that were in the court. And he burned the chariots of the sun with fire.

The horses given to the sun by the sovereigns of Yehudah were most likely hewn from stone and the chariots of the sun were probably constructed from wood and metal and then gilded with gold. This imagery is without a doubt a manifestation of worship devoted to Helios the Sun God! In that light, lol, yes that was a word pun, 2 Kings 23:11 reminds me of seven archeological sites in Israel, one of which I’ve personally visited. These sites are ancient Jewish synagogues that you can visit today to see for yourself the mosaic tile floors depicting both the pagan zodiac and Helios the Sun God riding a chariot (quadriga) pulled through the heavens by 4 horses. Even though those who write about these depictions of Helios the Sun God in the mosaic tile floors as though they can’t imagine why they are there in a Jewish synagogue it seems these seven synagogues actually had Temple Mount precedence for their abominable Helios esteeming mosaic tile floors!
What I find extraordinarily interesting is that while 2 Kings 23:11 is probably referring to the Jews worshipping the sun as Helios the Solar Sun God, just as we are unmistakably told in Ezekiel 8:16, it should not be lost on anyone that Saturn is known to have been the original Helios! In 2 Kings 23:11 and Ezekiel 8:16 the word translated as “sun” is the Hebrew word “Shemesh” and is correctly understood as the Solar Sun. However, the Hebrew word “Shamash” is a direct reference to Saturn. It is believed by prominent mythologists from around the world that in the distant past Saturn, Venus and Mars had a close encounter with planet Earth. Saturn would have loomed huge in the Northern sky taking up many degrees of viewing angle.
To demonstrate what I’m talking about take a basketball in one hand and a beach ball in the other. Then look toward the North and raise the basketball above the horizon with your arm extended, that may well represent the size of Saturn in the Northern sky. Then take the beach ball and do the same thing, Saturn may well have appeared somewhere in that range of size between the two different balls. It would have been HUGE and once the electricity began flowing between the planets and Earth it would have scared everyone senseless!
Not only that but it would have remained in the sky both day and night without ever setting. How long this lasted I cannot say but long enough for different cultures to have developed and dispersed after the Tower of Babel. They would have then recorded the events they witnessed through rock art and paintings created out of the cultural legends that have their foundation in these eye witness event accounts, possibly hundreds of years after the flood.
Over time the mythology of Helios the Saturnian Sun God (Shamash) eventually morphs into Helios the Solar Sun God (Shemesh)…
”One fact beyond dispute is that the word Helios did become the Greek word for our Sun, just as the Latin Sol gave his name to our Sun. The same can be said for the older Shamash and Ra: the names of these gods became the names for the solar orb. But that's where the connection with our Sun ends and the mystery of Saturn, the Universal Monarch, begins.” David Talbot
Once Earth’s close encounter with Saturn, Venus and Mars had passed and those planets receded into their present orbits far distant from the Earth, the Solar Sun became the most prominent celestial body in the eyes of men. For more information on all of that you can, and I highly recommend that you do, check out this extraordinarily good documentary video titled ’Symbols Of An Alien Sky’ produced by Dave Talbott and also this short video titled ‘SATURN = HELIOS!’ and this excellent article titled ‘SATURN: THE ANCIENT SUN GOD’ once again by David Talbott.
Eventually, actually millennia later, the calendars of the world began to reflect this heavenly shift in reality when in the 4th Century A.D. the Roman Emperor Constantine venerated the Day of The Sun by moving it from the 2nd Day of the pagan ‘host of heaven’ week to the 1st Day replacing Saturn’s Day as the 1st Day and relegating Saturn’s Day to the 7th Day while all other days of the week moved up one spot.
2Ki 23:12 And the slaughter-places that were on the roof of the upper room of Aḥaz, which the sovereigns of Yehuḏah had made, and the slaughter-places which Menashsheh had made in the two courtyards of the House of יהוה, the sovereign broke down, and rushed from there, and threw their dust into the wadi Qiḏron.
2Ki 23:13 And the sovereign defiled the high places that were before Yerushalayim, which were on the right hand of the Mountain of Destruction, which Shelomoh sovereign of Yisra’ěl built for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Tsiḏonians, and for Kemosh the abomination of the Mo’aḇites, and for Milkom the abomination of the children of Ammon.
2Ki 23:14 And he broke in pieces the pillars and cut down the Ashěrim, and filled their places with the bones of men.
2Ki 23:15 And also the slaughter-place that was at Běyth Ěl, and the high place which Yaroḇ‛am son of Neḇat made, by which he made Yisra’ěl sin, both that slaughter-place and the high place he broke down. And he burned the high place and ground it to dust, and burned the Ashěrah.
2Ki 23:16 Then Yoshiyahu turned, and saw the burial-sites that were there on the mountain. And he sent and took the bones out of the burial-sites and burned them on the slaughter-place, and defiled it according to the word of יהוה which the man of Elohim proclaimed, who proclaimed these words.
2Ki 23:17 And he said, “What tombstone is this that I see?” And the men of the city said to him, “It is the burial-site of the man of Elohim who came from Yehuḏah and proclaimed these matters which you have done against the slaughter-place of Běyth Ěl.”
2Ki 23:18 And he said, “Let him alone, let no one move his bones.” So they left his bones alone, with the bones of the prophet who came from Shomeron.
2Ki 23:19 And Yoshiyahu also took away all the houses of the high places that were in the cities of Shomeron, which the sovereigns of Yisra’ěl had made to provoke. And he did to them according to all the deeds he did in Běyth Ěl.
2Ki 23:20 And he slaughtered all the priests of the high places who were there, on the slaughter-places, and burned men’s bones on them, and went back to Yerushalayim.
(Circa 585 - 580 B.C.)
Jer 2:8 “The priests did not say, ‘Where is יהוה?’ And those who handle the Torah did not know Me, and the shepherds transgressed against Me, and the prophets prophesied by Ba‛al, and walked after matters that did not profit.
Jer 7:8 “See, you are trusting in false words, which do not profit –
Jer 7:9 stealing, murdering, and committing adultery, and swearing falsely, and burning incense to Ba‛al, and walking after other mighty ones you have not known.
Jer 11:13 “For your mighty ones have become as many as your cities, O Yehuḏah. And you have set up as many slaughter-places to shame as there are streets in Yerushalayim – slaughter-places to burn incense to Ba‛al.
Jer 11:17 “And יהוה of hosts, who planted you, has spoken evil against you for the evil of the house of Yisra’ěl and of the house of Yehuḏah, which they have done against themselves to provoke Me, by burning incense to Ba‛al.”
Jer 12:16 “And it shall be, if they learn well the ways of My people, to swear by My Name, ‘As יהוה lives,’ as they taught My people to swear by Ba‛al, then they shall be established in the midst of My people.
Jer 12:17 “But if they do not obey, I shall pluck up, pluck up and destroy that nation,” declares יהוה.
Jer 19:4 “Because they have forsaken Me and have profaned this place, and have burned incense in it to other mighty ones whom neither they, their fathers, nor the sovereigns of Yehuḏah have known, and they have filled this place with the blood of the innocents,
Jer 19:5 and have built the high places of Ba‛al, to burn their sons with fire for ascending offerings to Ba‛al, which I did not command or speak, nor did it come into My heart.
Having listed the verses above documenting the Ba’al worship of Israel it is important to note that it wasn’t just the Jews, many of the instances recorded in Scripture and listed above include the Northern Kingdom and I have intentionally left out a verse from 1 Kings 12 which does two things, 1) it condemns the Northern Kingdom of Ba’al worship and it links Ba’al worship to Saturn worship.
(Circa 560 - 550 B.C.)
1Ki 12:26 And Yaroḇ‛am said in his heart, “Now the reign shall return to the house of Dawiḏ.
1Ki 12:27 “If these people go up to do slaughterings in the House of יהוה at Yerushalayim, then the heart of this people shall turn back to their master, Reḥaḇ‛am sovereign of Yehuḏah, and they shall kill me and go back to Reḥaḇ‛am sovereign of Yehuḏah.”
1Ki 12:28 So the sovereign took counsel and made two calves of gold, and said to the people, “It is too much for you to go up to Yerushalayim. See, your mighty ones, O Yisra’ěl, which brought you up from the land of Mitsrayim!”
1Ki 12:29 And he set up one in Běyth Ěl, and the other he put in Dan.
The apostasy of the Israelites committed at Mount Sinai via their molding a golden calf and then worshipping it just as the Egyptians worshipped Saturn has come full circle to the Norther Kingdom as they once again worship the pagan deity of Saturn as being the ‘mighty one’ who brought them up out of their Egyptian bondage. Again, those calves of gold that Yaroḇ‛am made represented the Egyptian Apis Bull Calf that was their symbol of their pagan deity Saturn! How can we know that Yarob’am‘s golden calf idolatry links Saturn worship to Ba’al worship? We’re told that later on Ahab, son of Omri, walked in the sins of Yarob’am by the fact that he “served Ba’al and bowed himself to it and raised up a slaughter-place for Ba‛al in the house of Ba‛al, which he had built in Shomeron. And Aḥaḇ made an Ashěrah.” Via these two Kings we can see that the sin of worshipping Ba’al and or Saturn are synonymous, Ba’al and Saturn are one and the same!
1Ki 16:30 And Aḥaḇ son of Omri did evil in the eyes of יהוה, more than all those before him.
1Ki 16:31 And it came to be, as though it had been a light matter for him to walk in the sins of Yaroḇ‛am son of Neḇat, that he took as wife Izeḇel the daughter of Ethba‛al, sovereign of the Tsiḏonians. And he went and served Ba‛al and bowed himself to it,
1Ki 16:32 and raised up a slaughter-place for Ba‛al in the house of Ba‛al, which he had built in Shomeron.
1Ki 16:33 And Aḥaḇ made an Ashěrah. And Aḥaḇ did more to provoke יהוה Elohim of Yisra’ěl than all the sovereigns of Yisra’ěl before him.
So who is Ashěrah? She was the female consort of Ba’al! As one of the host of heaven Asherah would be representative of the planet Venus and also went by the name Medusa.

This image of Medusa (Venus) aka Ashěrah is located in ruins of the Synagogue of Chorazin to this very day!
It is estimated that out of the 370 years that the Temple built by Solomon stood, an Ashěrah pole stood erect in that temple off and on for a total of 240 years!
Although over the course of time it may well be that Israel’s forsaking Yahuah for Ba’al develops into an identity crisis, we must not be deluded into thinking that this is a matter of identity crisis in the original sense, as though the Israelites mistook Yahuah for Ba’al or Ba’al for Yahuah. It is clear from Judges 2:13 that the Israelites mindfully forsook Yahuah to worship Ba’al in His stead…
(Circa 1050 - 1000 B.C.)
Jdg 2:13 So they forsook יהוה and served Ba‛al and the Ashtoreths.
It is only later on that Yahuah suggests through His prophet Hosea the mental disconnect of there being two names representing one deity or the replacement of His original name with Ba’al, resulting in an identity crisis as we read in Hosea 2:16…
So what can be summarized from the texts I’ve quoted above? It is clear that YHWH had commanded the Israelites to dispossess the pagan cultures from The Promised Land; they didn’t do it! The pagan cultures that were allowed to co-exist with Israel fueled the fires of the paganism that had remained within the psyche of the Israelite people since before the exodus from Egypt and it then overtook them to the point that they mindfully forsook Yahuah to serve Ba’al/Saturn. With the coronation of both good and bad Kings the paganism within Israel ebbed and flowed. Yahuah, working through His Prophets and Kings, slew thousands of the priests of Ba’al, ultimately to no avail resulting in His choice to destroy the Solomonic Temple and taking His Sabbath, New Moons and Annual Moedim from them. This is recorded for us in Hosea 2…
Israel's Unfaithfulness Punished
(Circa 715 -710 B.C.)
Hos 2:1 “Say to your brothers, ‘O my people,’ and to your sisters, ‘O, compassioned one.’
Hos 2:2 “Strive with your mother, strive, for she is not My wife, nor am I her Husband! Let her put away her whorings from her face, and her adulteries from between her breasts,
Hos 2:3 lest I strip her naked, and shall set her up as on the day she was born, and shall make her like a wilderness, and shall set her like a dry land, and shall put her to death with thirst.
Hos 2:4 “And I shall not have compassion on her children, for they are the children of whorings.
Hos 2:5 “For their mother has whored, she who conceived them has acted shamelessly. For she said, ‘I go after my lovers, who give me my bread and my water, my wool and my linen, my oil and my drink.’
Hos 2:6 “Therefore, see, I am hedging up your way with thorns, and I shall wall her in, so that she does not find her paths.
Hos 2:7 “And she shall pursue her lovers but not overtake them, and shall seek them but not find them. Then she shall say, ‘Let me go and return to my first husband, for then it was better for me than now.’
Hos 2:8 “And she did not acknowledge that I gave her grain, and new wine, and oil, and increased her silver and gold which they prepared for Ba‛al.
Hos 2:9 “Therefore I shall turn back and shall take my grain in its time and My new wine in its appointed time, and I shall take away My wool and My linen covering her nakedness.
Hos 2:10 “And now I shall uncover her shame before the eyes of her lovers, and no one shall deliver her from My hand.
Hos 2:11 “And I shall cause all her rejoicing, her festivals, her New moons, and her Sabbaths, even all her appointed times, to cease,
Hos 2:12 and lay waste her vines and her fig trees, of which she has said, ‘these are my harlot-fees that my lovers have given me.’ And I shall make them a forest, and the beasts of the field shall eat them.
Hos 2:13 “And I shall punish her for the days of the Ba‛als to which she burned incense and adorned herself with her rings and jewelry, and went after her lovers, and forgot Me,” declares יהוה.
The Lord's Mercy on Israel
Hos 2:14 “Therefore, see, I am alluring her, and shall lead her into the wilderness, and shall speak to her heart,
Hos 2:15 and give to her vineyards from there, and the Valley of Aḵor as a door of expectation. And there she shall respond as in the days of her youth, as in the day when she came up from the land of Mitsrayim.
Hos 2:16 “And it shall be, in that day,” declares יהוה, “that you call Me ‘My Husband,’ and no longer call Me ‘My Ba‛al.’
Hos 2:17 “And I shall remove the names of the Ba‛als from her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their name.
And again in Lamentations 2…
(Circa 586 - 585 B.C.)
Lam 2:6 He has demolished His booth like a garden, He has destroyed His place of meeting. יהוה has made the appointed times and Sabbaths To be forgotten in Tsiyon, And despises sovereign and priest In His raging displeasure.
How wonderful, even unimaginable, is His long suffering love toward His people Israel in that after scattering both the Northern Kingdom and later the Southern Kingdom (Jews) after the destruction of the 1st Temple and then once again destroying the 2nd Temple in 70 A.D. that He will extend His love and draw from the wilderness a remnant of those He has scattered. Of course His judgment against both tribes was based upon and justified by their disobedience and attributing His blessed provision as their providing husband to Ba’al. The fact that He will then eventually regather and restore to faith and obedience a spiritually hungry remnant of His people from the diaspora scattered across the far reaches of the earth back to The Promised Land of Israel via The Greater Exodus, which may not be very far removed from our present day, only proves the attributes of His endless mercy and unwavering love for His people Israel!
(Everything between the astrics has been copied and pasted from https://www.soamibooks.com/amp/why-do-some-people-believe-that-saturday-the-sabbath which is a Saturn’s Day website.) I’ll use it against Saturn’s Day being a legitimate Scriptural Sabbath later.
The following research explicitly illustrates that the Sabbath coincided with the day of Saturn (i.e., Saturday) at least as far back as 63 BCE, and forward through the centuries. As evidenced, history testifies that the Sabbath is a continuous cycle of 7, as opposed to a cycle based on lunar phases.
1st Century BCE
63 BCE
Dio Cassius, a Roman historian, explained the strategy employed by Pompey in taking Jerusalem in 63 BCE:
"If they [i.e., the Jews] had continued defending it [i.e., the Temple] on all days alike, he could not have got possession of it. As it was, they made an exception of what are called the days of Saturn, and by doing no work at all on those days afforded the Romans an opportunity in this interval to batter down the wall. The latter, on learning of this superstitious awe of theirs, made no serious attempts the rest of the time, but on those days, when they came around in succession, assaulted most vigorously. Thus the defenders were captured on the day of Saturn without making any defense, and all the wealth was plundered. The kingdom was given to Hyrcanus, and Aristobulus was carried away." Dio Cassius, Roman History, book 37, Chapter 16, in Loeb Classical Library, Dio’s Roman History, Volume 3, pp.125, 127
First-century Jewish historian Joseph ben Mattiyahu reported on this same event as follows:
“Nor had the Romans succeeded in their endeavors, had not Pompey taken notice of the seventh days, on which the Jews abstain from many work on a religious account." Joseph ben Mattiyahu, Wars of the Jews, Book 1, Chapter 7, Section 3, in The Works of Flavius Josephus, p.618
What Josephus called "seventh days," Cassius said were "days of Saturn" (i.e., seventh day = Saturday)
37 BCE
Cassius Dio also recorded the deposing of Antigonus (the son of Aristibolus II, who sought to control the Jews) and the establishment of Herod in Jerusalem in 37 BCE by Gaius Sosius, who was in command of the Roman troops:
"The Jews, indeed, had done much injury to the Romans, for the race is very bitter when aroused to anger, but they suffered far more themselves. The first of them to be captured were those who were fighting for the precinct of their god, and then the rest on the day even then called the day of Saturn. And so excessive were they in their devotion to religion that the first set of prisoners, those who had been captured along with the temple, obtained leave from Sosius, when the day of Saturn came round again, and went up into the temple and there performed all the customary rites, together with the rest of the people." Dio Cassius, Roman History, book 49, Chapter 22, in Loeb Classical Library, Dio’s Roman History, Volume 5, p.387
30-26 BCE
Albius Tibullus, a Latin poet who lived 54 BCE - 19 BCE), explained in one of his poems why he delayed leaving his beloved Delia, saying: “Either I blamed the birds, or words of bad omen; or that the sacred day of Saturn [dies Saturni sacra] held one back.” (Tibullus, Elegies, book 1, Elegy 3, lines 17, 18, in Loeb Classical Library. Catullus, Tibullus, Pervigilium Veneris, p.206)
The day of Saturn "held one back" due to it be a day unfit for business, as noted by our next writer.
Publius Ovidius Naso (known widely simply as "Ovid"), was a Roman poet who lived 43 BCE - 18 CE. He wrote:
"You may begin on the day...less fit for business, whereon returns the seventh-day feast that the Syrian of Palestine observe" Ovid, Ars Anratoria 1, 413-416; cf. 1,75-80; Remedia Amoris 217-220
The "the sacred day of Saturn" = "the seventh-day feast that the Syrian of Palestine observe"
1st Century CE
70-84 CE
Sextus Julius Frontinus, a Roman soldier, politician, engineer, and author of the first century CE, wrote in 84 CE of the capture and destruction of Jerusalem by Vespasian in 70 CE as follows:
"The divine Augustus Vespasian attacked the Jews on the day of Saturn, on which it is forbidden for them to do anything serious, and prevailed.” Sextus Julius Frontinus, The Stratagems, book 2, Chapter 1, Section 17, in Loeb Classical Library, Frontinus, Page 98
Cassius Dio likewise wrote of this same historical event as follows:
“Thus was Jerusalem destroyed on the very day of Saturn, the day which even now the Jews reverence most. From that time forth it was ordered that the Jews who continued to observe their ancestral customs should pay an annual tribute of two denarii to Jupiter Capitolinus.” Dio Cassius, Roman History, book 65, Chapter 7, in Loeb Classical Library, Dio’s Roman History, Volume 8, Page 271
Ca. 100 - 112 CE
Publius Cornelius Tacitus (ca. 56 CE – ca. 117 CE) was a senator and a historian of the Roman Empire. He also wrote of the Jew's observance of the day of Saturn. Hutton Webster interpreted it as follows:
"Tacitus (Historiae, V, 4) thinks that the Jewish Sabbath may be an observance in honour of Saturn..." Hutton Webster, Rest Days: A Study in Early Law and Morality, New York: The MacMillan Company, 1916, p.244-245
But what did Tacitus say specifically?
"They were pleased to have a rest on the seventh day, because it brought a release from work...Some hold it to be an honor to Saturn, or perhaps the Idaeans gave them this part of their religion, who the Idaeansi, as we have said before, were expelled together with Saturn, and who, as we have been informed, were the founders of this [Jewish] nation; or else it was because the star [Saturn] moves in the highest sphere, and of the seven planets exerts the principal part of that energy whereby mankind are governed; and indeed most of the heavenly bodies exert their power and fulfill their courses according to the number seven."
Ca. 155-157 CE
"For He was crucified on the day before that of Saturn; and on the day after that of Saturn, which is the day of the Sun, having appeared to His apostles and disciples..." Justin Martyr, First Apology, Chap. 67
Ca. 222 CE
"Likewise, if we devote the day of the Sun to festivity (from a far different reason from Sun worship), we are in a second place from those who devote the day of Saturn to rest and eating, themselves also deviating by way of a Jewish custom of which they are ignorant.” Tertullian, Apology, chapter 16
Ca. 229 CE
"They [Jews] are distinguished from the rest of mankind in practically every detail of life and especially by the fact that they do not honor any of the usual gods, but show extreme reverence for one particular divinity. They never had any statue of him even in Jerusalem itself, but...they worship him in the most extravagant fashion on earth. They built to him a temple that was extremely large and beautiful…and likewise dedicated to him the day called the day of Saturn, on which, among many other most peculiar observances, they undertake no serious occupation." Dio Cassius, Roman History, book 37, Chapter 17, in Loeb Classical Library, Dio’s Roman History, Volume 3, pp.127, 129.
Ca. 400 CE
"Shall we observe the rest of the Sabbath, and bind ourselves in the fetters of Saturn?...[said the Manichaean, to which Augustine replies:] We are not afraid to meet your scoff at the Sabbath, when you call it the fetters of Saturn. It is a silly and unmeaning expression, which occurred to you only because you are in the habit of worshipping the sun on what you call Sunday...The Gentiles, of whom the apostle says that they "worshipped and served the creature rather than the Creator," gave the names of their gods to the days of the week. ... why do you try to bring in the name of Saturn in connection with the rest of the seventh day enjoined in Scripture, merely because the Gentiles call the day Saturday? The Scripture name for the day is Sabbath, which means rest. Your scoff is as unreasonable as it is profane." Augustine, Contra Faustum, Book XVIII.5
Another historic document that bears witness on the Sabbath is the Mishnah (spanning the time period of 200 B.C. - 200 A.D.).
(Everything between the astrics has been copied and pasted from https://www.soamibooks.com/amp/why-do-some-people-believe-that-saturday-the-sabbath which is a Saturn’s Day website.) I’ll use it against Saturn’s Day being a legitimate Scriptural Sabbath later.
Quotes from Symbols of an Alien Sky
“…all the stories, characters and adventures narrated by mythology concentrate on the active powers among the stars, who are the planets.”
Giorlgio de Santillana, Hertha von Dechen, Hamlet’s Mill
What is normal in nature and society rarely excites the myth making imagination, which is more likely to be kindled by the abnormal, some startling catastrophe…
Lewis Farnell, professor of Greek religion.
“The broad spectrum of cultural responses to cataclysmic events attest to the profoundly unsettling impact chaotic events in the skies may have had.”
David Pankenier, Leheigh University, Virgil, Aeneid
“…modern astronomical evidence does not support the common supposition that the night sky has been unchanging for 5,000 years.”
William Napier, astronomer, Armagh Observatory
“Are all these legends a confused account of great events on a planetary scale which were beheld in terror simultaneously by men scattered everywhere over the world?”
Anonymous editor, Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology
“Past cultures worldwide often shared in a single cosmic vision, and we must not let our own present fragmented fields of knowledge hinder our attempt to recapture that vision.”
Bruce Masse, environmental archeologist, US Air Force and University of Hawaii
“…The extreme preoccupation of most early societies with celestial imagery,,, appears to be part of a worldwide phenomenon.”
Mark Bailey, astronomer, Armagh Observatory
“Could the prehistoric sky have been much more active than now?”
Mark Bailey, astronomer, Armagh Observatory
“Helios and Kronos were one and the same god.”
Franz Boll, classicist
“The great god lives, fixed in the middle of the sky.”
Egyptian Coffin Texts
[Autum was] the arbiter of destiny perched on the top of the world pole. Here must be the node of the universe, the centre of regulation.
T Rundle Clark
“What has Saturn, the far out planet, to do with the pole? Such figures of speech were an essential part of the technical idiom of archaic astrology.”
Giorlgio de Santillana, Hertha von Dechen, Hamlet’s Mill
“Deign to know the Latins, Saturn’s race, a race freely self-controlled, as in the olden days, [the golden age].”
Virgil, Aeneid
“The space between the two planets lights up and is set aflame by both planets and produces a train of fire.”
Seneca, Roman naturalist
“Heavenly fire is spit forth by the planet as crackling charcoal flies from a burning log.”
Pliny, Roman naturalist
“[Archaic traditions say] that these bolts come from the planet Saturn, just as the inflammatory ones come from Mars.”
Pliny, Roman naturalist
Ares (Mars) “darted swift and bright as the thunderbolt terribly flashing from the mighty hand of Zeus.”
Quintus Smyrnaeous
“…a ‘derivation’ of the sword from a ‘root’ or archetype in lightning is universal and world wide.”
Amanda Coomaraswamy
Sumerian hymn—-
“O great mountain (Enlil) whose head rivals the heavens, Whose foundations is laid in the pure abyss, Whose horns gleam.”
“I am the bull, the Old One… I support the sky with my horns.”
Egyptian Coffin Texts
“…the pillar of the stars,
the Bull of Heaven…
“Whose horns shine,
The anointed pillar,
The Bull of Heaven.”
The Egyptian Pyramid Texts
The Greek name Aphrodite Comaetho translates astronomically as, “the comet Venus”.
“The tip of its flame crosses the land from the sky… no one at all can approach her, the streams behind her are flames of fire.”
Egyptian Coffin Texts
“Like a dragon you have deposited venom on the land… Raining the fanned fire down upon the nation.”
Sumerian hymn to Inanna, the planet Venus