The Rising & Setting
Of The Sun,
Full Moon And Stars
For Establishing
The Beginning
Of Each Month
Remember the 1964 #1 hit song ‘The House of The Rising Sun’? It was a song about a house of gambling in New Orleans and the demise of young men. The first recorded version of the song in 1933 was about a house of ill repute and the demise of young women. This article isn’t about either of those, but it is a perfect title for this article!
The very foundation of this article has to do with the rising and the setting of the Sun, Moon and Stars and therefore I can think of no better way to begin this article than to quote Psalm 19, may it be a blessing to those of you who seek to become THE BRIDE OF MESSIAH YESHUA!
The heavens declare the glory of El; and the firmameint sheweth his handywork.
Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.
There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.
Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,
Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.
His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
The law of YHWH is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of YHWH is sure, making wise the simple.
The statutes of YHWH are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of YHWH is pure, enlightening the eyes.
The fear of YHWH is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of YHWH are true and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.
Who can understand his errors? Cleanse thou me from secret faults.
Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.
Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O YHWH, my strength, and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:1-14 RNKJV emphasis mine)
In Psalm 19 the time keeping mechanisms of the Sun, Moon and Stars are so very strongly connected with the keeping of the Torah that it can’t be ignored. I actually remember reading the Psalm in my early days of Christianity, I loved the first six verses and then would think, “Ugh!” when I got to verse seven... Now, thank heaven, I love it in its entirety, especially verse seven! It was not until after this article had been written and published on the website that I noticed a nuanced nugget in verse six that also speaks to the very subject of this article.
His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. (Psalm 19:6 RNKJV emphasis mine)
I don’t mean to keep you in suspense but I’ll get to that a little bit later!
The very title of this article was actually drawn from verses four and five; can you see ‘THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN’ in these two verses?
In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun, Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber (Psalm 19:4b-5a RNKJV emphasis mine)
In Malachi 4:1-2 we’re introduced to even more specific symbology regarding the Sun. In the set-apart LIGHT of the ‘SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS’ we shall be healed as we yield with a loving desire to keep His Commandments, of which the Moedim of YHWH are absolutely foundational! There can be no doubt, if people desire to become THE BRIDE OF MESSIAH YESHUA and enter into THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN, the chamber of the Sun of Righteousness, she will want to keep, as best she can, Rosh Chodesh, The 7th Day Sabbath and The Annual Moedim when Messiah returns.
For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith YHWH of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch.
But unto you that fear my name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings; and ye shall go forth, and grow up as calves of the stall. (Malachi 4:1-2 RNKJV emphasis mine)
When confronted with Lunar Sabbath observance there are those who, without fail, will say, “I can’t wait for Messiah to return, He’ll straighten this mess out when He gets here.” Yes indeed, He will most certainly straighten this mess out when He gets here... And when He does, it will be too late for those who have assumed the Jews have cornered the market on truth! Rosh Chodesh, The 7th Day Sabbath and the Annual Moedim were taken from them initially via the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 135 A.D. with continued denial of their right to keep the calendar of YHWH, which is a fundamental element of the Torah, resulting from further revolts throughout the first four centuries after the life, death and resurrection of Messiah Yeshua, whom for all intents and purposes the Jews didn’t recognize when He came to visit them. These Jewish revolts were disasters for the Jewish people producing unimaginable persecution from the Roman Empire resulting in their losing, as the generations passed on, an ability to read the true time keeping mechanisms YHWH has placed in the heavens. A loss the Jews have NEVER recovered! None of this should surprise us as we’re told in Isaiah 6...
“Make the heart of this people fat, and their ears heavy, and shut their eyes; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and shall turn and be healed.” (Isaiah 6:10 The Scriptures 2009)
That verse is quoted by John in his 12th Chapter...
“He has blinded their eyes and hardened their heart, so that they should not see with their eyes and understand with their heart, and turn, and I should heal them.” (John 12:40 The Scriptures 2009)
Brothers and Sisters, with no harm intended, can we see that the Jewish people have had the Ruach HaQodesh taken from them? Both before the coming of Messiah and after His life, death and resurrection the Jews have remained blinded! Are there a few who have had their ears, eyes and hearts opened to the truth of who Messiah is? Yes, but very few. For all intents and purposes the Jews have remained blinded and refuse to call on the name of Messiah Yeshua! You need to know these nuggets from history in order to understand the prophetic parable Yeshua spoke in Luke 15. The true Bride of Messiah Yeshua will search for the lost coin...
“Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the house, and seek diligently till she finds it?
“And having found it, she calls friends and neighbours together, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin which I lost!’
“I say to you, in the same way there is joy in the presence of the messengers of Elohim over one sinner repenting.” (Luke 15:8-10 The Scriptures ’98 emphasis mine)
In this prophetic parable the ten silver coins are a metaphor that stands in the place of The 10 Commandments. Once you understand that, it then becomes obvious that the 'lost coin' is a metaphor that stands in the place of The 4th Commandment, which commands us to remember The 7th Day Sabbath of Messiah Yeshua. But Jews, or those who have left Sun’s Day Christianity and hooked up with Saturn’s Day Hebrew Roots will interpret the parable in that light, believing that the lost coin represents Saturday worship that was lost within what became Sunday Christianity. THAT IS MOST CERTAINLY NOT THE CASE! The parable was spoken to Jews and the Jews are keeping Saturday, so what has been lost?
The true, Scriptural 7th Day Sabbath, which IS NOT Saturday!
It is an interesting thought to consider, but unless you realize the true 7th Day Sabbath has been lost according to well documented accounts of history, why would you go to any effort to try to find it?
Messiah Yeshua will return for a Bride clothed in HIS LIGHT, not for a harlot woman arrayed in a self-righteous Black Sabbath robe! Saturday IS NOT The 7th Day Sabbath of the Creator and Redeemer!
Messiah Yeshua is ‘Master of The Sabbath’... the true 7th Day Sabbath of Scripture.
Satan is ‘Lord of the Rings’, i.e. Saturn and therefore Saturn’s Day!
Between A Rock
A Hard Place!
This has been a long time coming; up to now I’ve been inspired by and content to follow methods for sighting the beacon for Rosh Chodesh that others have inferred from Scripture. And because Scripture doesn’t tell us every detail we need to know, some of those methods include reasoned beliefs that have come from the minds of men in regard to the reckoning of time and when dealing with men... the traditions of men are bound to be encountered. Although I’ve dabbled in thought, I’ve considered it a plus that I had not contributed to the restored construct of time reckoning. What I have been promoting isn’t something of my own making. The thought that I didn’t invent it was a good thing in my mind. I’ve never wanted this to be about me! And yet today I find myself between a rock and a hard place. While it is certainly true that a truth seeker has nothing to fear, they do have a responsibility to stand up and be counted once they feel they have been led to truths that may have been buried through the centuries.
It is the glory of Elohim to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter. (Proverbs 25:2 RNKJV)
It takes courage to believe something no one else has even considered, much less practiced in the real world. In the arena of Scriptural calendar restoration you have to think outside the box and stand by your convictions. I don’t particularly like it... but I’m willing to do it. This is not necessarily a path I’ve chosen but rather have answered a call that I believe has led me here. Are you willing to question, literally, everything? Because, that's what it's going to take! If you don’t have that kind of courage to believe and act upon, this then, may not be an article for you.
For the last several years, I’ve kept a single method of marking the days, months and years, I’ve kept that method long enough to know its strength and enduring truths. There is not so much as a nuance of doubt in my being that the Full Moon is indeed the beacon for the New Month, it is an obvious truth. I have witnessed this obvious truth countless times from my observation point about nine miles from my home, which is the highest hill in the county that I live in. From that vantage point I have time and again been reassured of the overall strength and veracity of THE METHOD I’ve been using as I observed the rising of the Full Moon after the setting of the Sun, but from that vantage point I have also witnessed the weaknesses of THE METHOD, which I had come to love.
This article has been written to announce a ‘course correction’ in THE METHOD I use to read THE MASTER’S CLOCK in the heavens that is designed to punctually deliver us to the Scriptural Appointed Times when we’re to meet with our Creator and Redeemer! This is totally new ground for me, both in the fact that I have never stepped out on my own as being an author of change but also in the fact that the changes I am promoting here I have heard absolutely no-one else proclaim. These changes represent The World of Ken; you can take them for what they’re worth. Ultimately, this article is about how to know when to keep Rosh Chodesh, and since The 7th Day Sabbath and The Seven Annual Moedim of Scripture are counted from Rosh Chodesh or directly associated, the article is also about how to know when to keep them as well. YHWH's Appointed Times are His Chosen People's opportunity to meet with their Creator and Redeemer; we need to show up on time!
A Little Soul Searching
Without a doubt, it has been a long time coming; as a matter of fact I began questioning THE METHOD I’ve been using for the rising of the Full Moon as far back as a year ago, possibly longer. The frustration of marginal atmospheric conditions making it nearly impossible to spot the Full Moon the very moment it began to peek above the horizon was beginning to cause me to do a little soul searching, especially on those evenings when the Full Moon’s rise would begin within minutes of the Sun’s setting, either before or after. Over time it became obvious to me, even with nearly perfect weather, that I was consistently missing the first seconds, even minutes as the Full Moon began to peek over the horizon. I’d arrive at my observation point in plenty of time to watch the Sunset and then wait for the Full Moon to rise. I always knew the expected time and azimuth, the ‘when’ and ‘where’ for watching the Full Moon’s rise. I would wait with anxious expectation; I loved being out there! But all too often the expected time would come and go without seeing anything, I would continue to stare at the horizon beginning to question what I thought I knew coming to the hill. Finally, my eyes would fixate on the upper third or more of a dim glowing Full Moon and I would question myself, “I wonder how long it has been up without my having seen it?” Most nights it doesn’t matter because of the time separation between Sunset and Moonrise but throughout the years there will be times when the Sunset and Moonrise times are exceedingly close. In those cases seconds count! And THE METHOD that I was using wasn’t cutting it when seconds count! And when seconds count we’re talking about a relatively bright Eastern Horizon very near the moment the Sun is setting on the Western Horizon, add to that just a little haze and you have an insurmountable problem! You’re not going to be able to discern whether the Full Moon rose ‘BEFORE’ or ‘AFTER’ the Sunset. At that point, even with your good intentions, you’re wasting your time!
At some point it began to occur to me that it would be so much easier to mark the exact moment of the rising of the Full Moon if we were to do so as its Lower Limb rose above the horizon into full view rather than to believe, as the entire world does today, that it has risen the second its Upper Limb peeks over the horizon! I reasoned that if the Full Moon had already begun to rise above the horizon into view, giving me time to spot it, I could then monitor its ascension until its Lower Limb finally rises from the horizon so much more easily and accurately in those close Moonrise and Sunset situations. As much sense as it made to me I also realized that if I were to do that I would be guilty of an inconsistent use of the horizon, after all, Sunrise is the moment when the first rays of the Sun peek over the horizon, right? How could I justify using two different methods for the Sun and Moon on the same horizon? Ultimately, I felt I couldn’t and chose not to say anything to anyone but a few close friends for many months.
I continued to juggle the dilemma in my mind seeking... actually more like waiting for... a solution. At first I thought I could justify changing Sunrise to the point of the Sun’s Lower Limb rising above the horizon just as I wanted to do with the Full Moon but still maintain the Sun’s Upper Limb setting ‘below’ the Western Horizon as the legitimate moment of Sunset, in my mind that seemed more balanced. Nevertheless, I continued to remain silent since I really didn’t have a solid reason to change the timing of Sunrise. I’m glad that I did! As the months rolled by I began to start leaving a clue here and there on Facebook comments that alluded to a possible change in my thinking, or at least paving the road for the possibility that my present method could be wrong, which is a mindset that I believe is fundamentally important if you ever want to move forward in anything! I continued to think but never really satisfied myself as to the legitimacy of my thoughts.
Questioning Sunrise!
Then came what I consider to have been a breakthrough just a month or so ago. After it’s all said and done it is encouraging to me to know that in the end I had the gall to go back and question Sunrise again, this time for real. And this time, Sunset was in the crosshairs too! Are Sunrise and Sunset, as we’ve known them, sacred? It almost seems sac religious to question them, but everything must go on the chopping block of truth and we must cling to whatever is left when the chopping is done!
I began to realize that, just as there is a mixing of light and darkness during the period of time known as twilight which precedes and follows the rising and setting of the Sun, there is also a continued mixing of light and darkness ‘during’ the transition period when the Sun rises from ‘fully below’ the horizon to ‘fully above’ the horizon. The same mixing of light and darkness that exists prior to the Sun’s rising into view and after the Sun’s setting out of view also exists ‘as’ the Sun transitions into and out of view, in other words, as the Sun crosses the horizons as it rises and sets. Once again, it almost seems sac religious to even think of questioning Sunrise and Sunset as we have come to know those two events over the centuries. Nevertheless, the mixing of light and darkness, the qodesh and the profane, exists in the present method of marking Sunrise and Sunset! That mixing of light and darkness during the twilight period comes to its end only when the Lower Limb of the Sun has ascended above the Eastern Horizon as the Sun completes the 'process' of its rising and after the set-apart hours of the day have passed the mixing of light and darkness then begins again the very moment the Lower Limb of the Sun begins to descend below the Western Horizon as the Sun begins its 'process' of setting and continues into the twilight period.
The 'process' of the Sun’s rising and setting, i.e. the time required for the Sun to transition from ‘fully below’ to ‘fully above’ the horizons and vise versa, belongs to the 'Watches Of The Night' not the day! In Genesis 1:14-16 we’re told of TWO GREAT LIGHTS to be for signs, appointed times and for days and years.
And Elohim said, “Let lights come to be in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and appointed times, and for days and years,
and let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth.” And it came to be so.
And Elohim made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night, and the stars. (Genesis 1:14-16 The Scriptures 2009 emphasis mine)
As I reasoned my way through this it occurred to me that a Sun that is just peeking over the horizon is not a GREAT LIGHT! At that moment there remains a mixing of light and darkness, a mixing of the set-apart and the profane. Should any of us believe the set-apart hours of Shabbat really begin with the mixing of light and darkness, the mixing of the set-apart and the profane? At this point I was beginning to seriously question what constitutes Sunrise realizing this changes everything regarding how I sight the Full Moon rising to mark Rosh Chodesh! The Sun simply does not become a GREAT LIGHT until it is illuminating the earth I stand on with the fullness of its circumference once its Lower Limb has ascended above the horizon and therefore I have come to believe that should also be understood and held as the beginning of the set-apart hours of the day at my location. This is when the Sun has taken up its rule of the day; this is when the Sun has risen! The Sun then remains a GREAT LIGHT until the very moment its Lower Limb has begun to descend below the Western Horizon and begins to be diminished by the earth’s Western Horizon.
I have said it in the past and will continue to say it,
“There is nothing held in common between THE MASTER’S CLOCK and the false calendar of Pope Gregory XIII.”
Should it surprise any of us that we’re finally getting around to questioning even ‘Sunrise’? It never ceases to amaze me just how duped we are!
The same thing must then be said of the Full Moon. Its light is not a GREAT LIGHT until its Lower Limb has ascended above the Eastern Horizon shining with the fullness of its circumference, this is when the Full Moon takes up its rule of the night; this is when the Full Moon has risen! The Full Moon remains a GREAT LIGHT until the very moment its Lower Limb has begun to descend below the Western Horizon and begins to be diminished by the earth’s Western Horizon.
On the one hand...
Which of these represent the PROFANE?
Which of these represent the mixing of LIGHT and DARKNESS?
On the other hand...
Which of these are dependable BEACONS?
Which of these are QODESH?
Which of these are RULING THE DAY?
Which of these are RULING THE NIGHT?
Which of these are truly RISEN?
Which of these are GREAT LIGHTS?
This then is a good place to go back to Psalm 19 as I said I would. It is verse six that had caught my attention after the article had been written and published on the website. Let me quote it to refresh our minds.
His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. (Psalm 19:6 RNKJV emphasis mine)
Now that I have written what I’ve written so far, do you see what I saw?
In verses four and five we’re told that in the heavens there is a ‘tabernacle’ for the sun, which is as a bridegroom coming out of his ‘chamber’. This tabernacle or chamber is that portion of the heavens which is ‘over’ the horizon. When the Sun comes out of its chamber the Psalm is speaking of Sunrise. Therefore when in verse six, quoted above, it says, “His going forth...” it should be interpreted as ‘The Sunrise’ is from the end of the heaven. It is not talking about the rising of the Sun being ‘to the end of the heaven’ as in the Sun’s Upper Limb rising to the surface of the horizon and then just peeking over the horizon. No... The Psalm is clearly speaking of the Sun’s Lower Limb lifting off ‘from’ the horizon!
The same thing can be said about the setting of the Sun described in the Psalm as “and his circuit unto the ends of it”. The setting of the Sun is not ‘over’ the ends of it as would be the case if the Sun’s Upper Limb has to sink below the horizon. No... The Psalm is clearly speaking of the Sun’s circuit taking it ‘unto’ the horizon, as is the case with the Sun’s Lower Limb touching down to the horizon!
Don’t Be Fooled!
A False
Tradition Of Men
Before I begin to explain the improvements to THE METHOD that I am going to be keeping I’d like to address an important issue that has no place in Full Moon Rosh Chodesh observance in my opinion. There is a man-made tradition that others have polluted Full Moon Rosh Chodesh reckoning with that has caused more confusion than can be imagined and I’d like to do my part in combating this false belief. However, because I do not want to diminish the value of this article by tainting it with a rebuttal of a false method I have decided to keep it separate and yet available via this link... The Morning After!
So then with those pieces in place what does THE METHOD for determining Rosh Chodesh look like? Let’s first re-establish what has been taking place between the horizons for the two weeks preceding Rosh Chodesh. Beginning just after the Dark Moon Conjunction, i.e. the middle of the month, with the First Visible Crescent located near the Western Horizon after Sunset and then again each successive evening at Sunset the Moon will have waxed greater in its phase and will be located increasingly further eastward until nearly two weeks later the Moon’s location at Sunset is hovering above the Eastern Horizon. A graphic arts picture depicting the last two weeks of every month would show the Sun touching down on the Western Horizon with approximately 14 images of the Moon, representing each successive evening from the middle of the month to the end of the month, with it’s increasing phase and the ever eastward position forming an arch overhead from the Western Horizon to the Eastern Horizon as the picture is created looking from a perspective of either the north or the south. An obvious attribute of each and every one of those Moons is that they are all located ‘fully above’ the horizons. As long as the Moon is found to be ‘fully above’ the horizon at Sunset the Moon is beaconing the following day to belong to the Old Month.
Therefore, if you are out watching for the Full Moon to rise the evening of the 4th Sabbath of the Month which is always the 29th Day of the Month and you see the Lower Limb of the Full Moon ‘LIFTOFF’ above the Eastern Horizon ‘BEFORE’ the Lower Limb of the Sun has experienced ‘TOUCHDOWN’ on the Western Horizon then that Full Moon is connected to all the other Moons that were ‘fully above’ the horizons at the moment the Lower Limb of the Sun experienced ‘TOUCHDOWN’ on the Western Horizon for the last two weeks. Just as the others were beaconing days of the Old Month so too is this Full Moon of the evening of the 29th, it’s beaconing a 30th Day for the Old Month.
On either the evening of the 29th Day or the evening of the 30th Day you will observe an ‘OBVIOUS CHANGE’ that takes place with the rising of the Full Moon.
On one of those evenings the Lower Limb of the Full Moon will begin to ‘LIFTOFF’ the Eastern Horizon ‘AFTER’ the Lower Limb of the Sun has experienced ‘TOUCHDOWN’ on the Western Horizon and in doing so it beacons the following day as Rosh Chodesh, Head of the New Month.
For the next two weeks the Moon will continue to ‘LIFTOFF’ the Eastern Horizon ‘AFTER’ the Sun has experienced ‘TOUCHDOWN’ on the Western Horizon. With each successive night the Moonrise will occur later and later at night and will continue to wane from its Full Moon phase to the Last Visible Crescent before it disappears altogether during Dark Moon Conjunction in the middle of the New Month. This series of waning Moons, which all belong to the NEW MONTH, began with the first Full Moon which experienced ‘LIFTOFF’ above the Eastern Horizon ‘AFTER’ the Sun experienced ‘TOUCHDOWN’ on the Western Horizon.
This distinct change in the rising of the Full Moon is so obvious that it can’t be dismissed. There is no vacillating, the 'Lower Limb' of the Full Moon will either ‘LIFTOFF’ the Eastern Horizon ‘BEFORE’ the 'Lower Limb' of the Sun experiences ‘TOUCHDOWN’ on the Western Horizon to beacon days of the Old Month ‘OR’ the 'Lower Limb' of the Full Moon will ‘LIFTOFF’ the Eastern Horizon ‘AFTER’ the 'Lower Limb' of the Sun has experienced ‘TOUCHDOWN’ on the Western Horizon to beacon days of the New Month, there is no in between.
According to my personal experience at my observation point, located on the highest hill in the county where I live, these corrections to THE METHOD I use represent a huge step forward in restoring personal observation as the only method necessary to reckon time according to the mechanisms YHWH has placed in the heavens. They help to fulfill the criteria for THE METHOD to be a
‘self-evident, simple man’s
observational and technologically free,
the way it oughta be,
method of
Full Moon Rosh Chodesh reckoning’
as I always like to say! Some may think that’s a cute or quaint saying that I’ve coined but I’m dead serious when I say it. I’ve chosen my words carefully. THE METHOD I seek and am attempting to adjust after years of observation must meet those criteria. I reject any need for a person to be a mathematics wizard or the master of orbital mechanics. I reject any and all use of technology as the fundamental, foundational method of reckoning time. If technology can tell you what you would see if you were to go out and observe with your own eyes then I can live with that, but it must be telling you what you would observe with your own eyes if you were to take the time. I’ll be replacing my dependence upon Smartphone Rise and Set Time Apps, for those occasions when the weather has me boxed in, with my Stellarium Astronomy program. This will help me determine the Lower Limb Rise and Set times I’m switching to, which I can’t find on the Smartphone Rise and Set Time Apps, when personal observation is out of the question. Also, if technology can help you to ‘visually observe’ the setting of the Sun and the rising of the Full Moon, I can certainly live with that. I’m not about to take off my glasses in order to avoid using technology. By the way, a #8 or #9 arc welder lens makes for a great visual aid to watch for the setting of the Sun!
What Are The Limitations?
Have you ever spoken to someone from let’s say, Alaska, about Lunar Sabbath? If you have it probably didn’t take long for them to shut the conversation down once they realize there is no way on YAH’s green earth Lunar Sabbath will work where they live. Learn more here.
What Are The Benefits?
So what is gained by making these simple changes? It's so obvious!
Firstly, the newly recognized daylight hours of Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh and the Annual Moedim are qodesh from beginning to end; there is no mixing of light and darkness, there is no mixing of the set-apart and the profane.
Secondly, sighting the Full Moon as it rises above the Eastern Horizon is markedly improved; it’s easier and far more accurate in bright light situations when the Sunset and Moonrise times are nearly identical, as well as in times of marginal atmospheric conditions, which seems to be more often than not. The reason for the sighting of the Full Moon being far easier is because we are finally dealing with 100% of a ‘GREAT LIGHT’ rather than 1% of a ‘GREAT LIGHT’ as it peeks over the horizon. Once the Full Moon has been spotted it is far easier to make a judgment as to whether the Lower Limb of the Full Moon has experienced ‘LIFTOFF’ from the horizon as compared to searching for the Upper Limb of a Full Moon that you can’t see because it remains below the horizon but need to detect the first glimpse of the Upper Limb of the Full Moon from whatever direction it may come.
Thirdly, we finally have harmony in the beacons for the last two weeks of the Old Month including the beacon for the 30th Day. We have NEVER had that before!
So there you have it,
"The self-evident, simple man’s
observational, as well as technologically free,
the way it oughta be,
Method of
Full Moon Rosh Chodesh reckoning!"
According to the corrections made to THE METHOD For Establishing The Beginning of Each Month in this article we can, via nothing more than personal visual observation of THE MASTER’S CLOCK, confidently keep Rosh Chodesh at its appointed time!
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