Discerning The True 7th Day Sabbath of Yeshua!
For Establishing
The 7th Day Sabbath,
The Beginning
Of Each New Moon
The Beginning
New Moon of New Moons!
Are you entertaining thoughts of becoming the Bride of Messiah?
“For as the new heavens and the new earth that I make stand before Me,” declares YHWH, “so your seed and your name shall stand.
“And it shall be that from New Moon to New Moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all flesh shall come to worship before Me.” declares YWHW. (Isaiah 66:22-23 Scriptures ’98)
It’s time to get serious about the 7th Day Sabbath of Yeshua and His New Moons!
To get to the 7th Day Sabbath of Yeshua you have to go to the Moon... the Full Moon!
So how do we do that? How do we go to the Moon in order to get to the Sabbath?
The first step is to understand what phase of the Moon is used as New Moon. That in itself can be difficult but I hope I’ve given you a reason to believe we can cut our way through the jungle of manmade tradition via the many articles in this series titled THE MASTER'S CLOCK. But even then there is more that must be understood. We must also learn 'THE METHOD' of sighting the Moon in order to mark the 1st Day of the Month according to that phase of the Moon. When I came to the conclusion that I had been keeping the wrong phase of the moon (Dark Moon Conjunction) in the beginning of my Lunar Sabbath walk I switched to Full Moon Rosh Chodesh almost over night. In doing so I thought I had escaped the endless debate that takes place between factions of the Lunar Sabbath community once and for all. I can’t begin to tell you how disheartening it was for me to realize once I crossed over to Full Moon Rosh Chodesh that the debate that I loathe was not over. I had no more than made the switch when I was confronted with a different method of sighting the Full Moon than what I had initially been introduced to. And then another! I couldn’t believe it! There seemed to be no end to the countless schisms within the Lunar Sabbath community. I suppose all of this should be expected as men strive to restore what has been lost. I can tell you this, I have come to the following conclusions with an earnest desire to know the truth, whatever the truth may be. I sincerely believe in what I am sharing with you today and if for any reason I realize I have stumbled in my Quest For Truth I will without hesitation admit my error and correct my faith. I have no desire to hold on to anything that isn't of THE FATHER.
I call ‘THE METHOD’ that I use…
"The self-evident,
simple man’s observational,
as well as technologically free,
the way it oughta be,
Method of Full Moon
Rosh Chodesh reckoning!"
In order to be able to read THE MASTER’S CLOCK there are two levels of ‘THE METHOD’ that need to be understood.
The first is...
‘THE METHOD’ For Establishing The Beginning Of Each New Moon!
The second is...
‘THE METHOD’ For Establishing The Beginning New Moon of New Moons!
The problem with that is ‘THE METHOD’ for neither is provided in Scripture! And since YHWH has taken Rosh Chodesh, The 7th Day Sabbath and the Annual Moedim from Israel (Lamentations 2:6 and Hosea 2:11) I seriously doubt that ‘THE METHOD’ for establishing The Beginning Of Each New Moon or The Beginning New Moon of New Moons is recorded in historical writings either! YHWH has buried those truths and expects us to do some serious digging in order to rediscover and keep them! That will take some ‘outside the box’ thinking and a ton of discernment!
Here are a few parameters that have guided my search.
‘THE METHOD’ must be a visual observation of 'THE LIGHT of THE MASTER’S CLOCK', i.e. the Sun, Moon and Stars per Genesis 1.
‘THE METHOD’ must be simple enough that a shepherd boy in ancient times watching his flock at night out in the fields alone could without a doubt discern Rosh Chodesh by observing the Full Moon.
‘THE METHOD’ must not require any kind of technology or data resource, the ancients wouldn’t have had it in the past and we may not have it in the future!
‘THE METHOD’ must be able to provide decisively accurate answers as to whether there is a need for a 30th Day or will the next day be Rosh Chodesh; this means affirmative or negative answers down to the minute if not down to the second!
‘THE METHOD’ must be able to be used around the world, not just Jerusalem. Extremely high latitudes are out of bounds for this method and any other that uses the Sun, Moon and Stars.
‘THE METHOD’ only requires a human being with good visual acuity who has a clear view of the distant Western and Eastern horizons. This may require an elevated location depending upon local topography.
For Establishing
The Beginning Of Each New Moon!
Let’s start with Mosheh, Aharon and YHWH just before the Exodus out of Egypt to resolve this issue...
And YHWH spoke to Mosheh and to Aharon in the land of Mitsrayim, saying,
“This new moon is the beginning of new moons for you, it is the first new moon of the year for you. (Exodus 12:1-2 The Scriptures 2009 emphasis mine)
It is here that YHWH reintroduces Mosheh, Aharon and the Hebrews to both...
‘THE METHOD’ For Establishing The Beginning Of Each New Moon!
‘THE METHOD’ For Establishing The Beginning New Moon of New Moons!
And He does it without telling us! But clearly, YHWH does have Mosheh and Aharon looking up!
Before I get to the main point I’d like to make from Exodus 12:1-2 I’d like to focus your attention temporarily on the fact that YHWH is reintroducing His method of time reckoning in the midst of EGYPT! Let that sink in for a moment... The reason for making this an issue is that there are those out there who demand that time be reckoned only from Jerusalem. And yet YHWH restores His method while the Hebrews are in EGYPT! And to take it a step further Mosheh, Aharon and the Hebrews will manage to reckon time for 40 years without ever observing YHWH’s mechanisms for time reckoning from Jerusalem! Please understand and believe without a doubt, regardless of how remote a location you live in, or how disconnected from the rest of the world you may be, you can know beyond a shadow of doubt what Day and Month of the Year it is. Don’t let anyone tell you Scriptural time reckoning for the entire planet must be done from Jerusalem. So keep looking up!
With several years of ‘looking up’ I have come to the following conclusions regarding ‘THE METHOD’ For Establishing The Beginning Of Each New Moon!
Because of the size and close proximity of both the Sun and Moon to the Earth they are more than just ‘points of light’ as a Star would be considered. The Sun and Moon have discernable dimension as measurable disks. Their rising and setting is therefore a ‘process’ that requires time. This ‘process’ has a beginning and ending. The ‘process’ of the rising of the Sun and Full Moon begins with their ‘Upper Limb’ being tangent to the Earth’s horizon, this is when they first begin to ‘peek’ over the horizon. The ‘process’ of the rising of the Sun and Full Moon then ‘culminates’ in their ‘Lower Limb’ being tangent to the Earth’s horizon as they begin to ‘liftoff’ above the horizon. This is the moment that the Sun and Full Moon are ‘RISEN’! This is the moment of Sunrise and Moonrise! This is the moment both the Sun and Full Moon become GREAT LIGHTS! Just the opposite is true for the setting of both the Sun and Full Moon.
Therefore, contrary to the world’s view of what constitutes the rising and setting of the Sun and Moon according to each respective body’s ‘Upper Limb’, ‘THE METHOD’ utilizes the ‘Lower Limb’ of the Sun and Moon to mark their rising and setting. The reason for this is threefold. Firstly, neither the Sun nor Moon can be considered ‘GREAT LIGHTS’ if they’re not shining with their full strength as they peek over the horizon with their ‘Upper Limb’. Secondly, there is a mixing of light and darkness that carries forward from the twilight period or carries into the twilight period as the 'process' of rising and setting takes place. Because of the mixing of light and darkness, i.e. the qodesh and the profane, which exists during the 'process' of the Sun and Moon’s rising and setting, the 'process' therefore belongs to the ‘Watches Of The Night’. Thirdly, and very importantly, it harmonizes the beacon of the 30th Day and Rosh Chodesh with the Moon’s attributes both before and after Rosh Chodesh.
In Lunar Sabbath Observance there are 3 categories of Monthly Days, Rosh Chodesh, 6 Work Days and 7th Day Sabbath. The 1st Day of every Month is ‘Rosh Chodesh’, the 1st category of Monthly Days. The next six days are ‘Work Days’, the 2nd category of Monthly Days. A ‘7th Day Sabbath’ follows those six ‘Work Days’, which is the 3rd category of Monthly Days. Once Rosh Chodesh has been established all that is left is to count to the four weekly Sabbaths which will ALWAYS fall on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th Days of every month. Those weekly Sabbaths will fall on the same pagan weekday that Rosh Chodesh fell on, i.e. if Rosh Chodesh fell on a Wednesday then the four weekly Sabbaths will all fall on the next four Wednesdays. The next Lunar Cycle will have Rosh Chodesh falling on a different pagan weekday but the Lunar Sabbath Month ALWAYS looks the same.
From the First Visible Crescent, which appears above the Western Horizon after the Dark Moon Conjunction in the middle of each Month, the moon will then continue to strengthen in its phase as it matures to become a Full Moon near the end of the Month. With each successive sunset during the last two weeks of each Month the Moon will be located evermore Eastward until the Full Moon hovers above the Eastern Horizon near the end of each Month. The one consistent attribute of the moon during the last two weeks of each Month is that it is located ‘fully above’ the horizon at sunset. That lone attribute is what marks or beacons the following day as a day of the Old Month!
On the evening of the 29th Day of each Month we need to observe the setting of the Sun and the rising of the Full Moon. To do this we need to find an elevated location that provides a distant view of both the Eastern and Western Horizons. The more distant the view the better, with a 20 to 30 mile view in both directions being ideal.
Once you have arrived at your observation point on the evening of the 29th Day of each Month you will be looking to see if an ‘OBVIOUS CHANGE’ in the attributes of the rising Full Moon takes place. For the last two weeks the Moon has been located ‘fully above’ the horizons at Sunset. On the evening of the 29th Day the Full Moon will either rise with its Lower Limb ‘fully above’ the Eastern Horizon before Sunset or it will lag behind and fail to rise with its Lower Limb ‘fully above’ the Eastern Horizon before Sunset even though it may have its Upper Limb peeking over the Eastern Horizon. That is the ‘OBVIOUS CHANGE’ we need to be looking for!
If the Full Moon rises with its Lower Limb ‘fully above’ the Eastern Horizon ‘before’ the Sunset (Lower Limb) just as it has done for the last two weeks then you will add a 30th Day to the Old Month.
If the Full Moon fails to rise with its Lower Limb ‘fully above’ the Eastern Horizon ‘before’ the Sunset (Lower Limb) just as it had done for the last two weeks then it has begun to do something ‘new’ (the Full Moon’s Lower Limb is now rising ‘fully above’ the Eastern Horizon ‘after’ the Sunset) which beacons the next day as the 1st Day of the 'New' Moon!
Yeah! It’s that simple!
So there you have it...
"The self-evident,
simple man’s observational,
as well as technologically free,
the way it oughta be,
Method of Full Moon
Rosh Chodesh reckoning!"
For more insight as to how I got to this point in my understanding just click on this link... THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN! ~ Questioning The Rising & Setting Of The Sun, Full Moon and Stars ~ Part 1 ~ ‘THE METHOD’ For Establishing The Beginning Of Each New Moon!
For Establishing
The Beginning New Moon of New Moons!
With ‘THE METHOD’ For Establishing The Beginning Of Each New Moon already defined, our road to ‘THE METHOD’ For Establishing The Beginning New Moon of New Moons, i.e. the 1st Month of the Year, is already partially paved.
Three Non-negotiable Parameters
However, there are a few non-negotiable parameters that must also be recognized to guide our ongoing journey toward understanding and correctly utilizing THE MASTER’S CLOCK for Establishing The Beginning New Moon of New Moons!
#1. THE METHOD must use the Sun, Moon and Stars according to Genesis 1:14-16 and simultaneously serve both hemispheres of the earth.
#2. THE METHOD must be understood to be totally independent from a need for aviv barley for the First Fruits offering on the 16th Day of the 1st Month.
#3. THE METHOD must be understood to be totally independent of changes in the mechanisms of THE MASTER’S CLOCK that have occurred in the past and will occur in the future. The present is not the key to the past or the future.
The purpose of this portion of this article is to state as briefly as possible THE METHOD required for determining The Beginning New Moon of New Moons on THE MASTER’S CLOCK. Therefore I am not going to address points 2 and 3 in this article. There are however, some absolute informational gems regarding points 2 and 3 that are waiting for you in a much more thorough work at this link... THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN! ~ Questioning The Rising & Setting Of The Sun, Full Moon and Stars ~ Part 2 ~ ‘The Method’ For Establishing The Beginning New Moon of New Moons!
Regarding point #1, it is self-evident from Scripture that the only means given to govern time is the Sun, Moon and Stars.
And Elohim said, “Let lights come to be in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and appointed times, and for days and years,
And let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth.” And it came to be so.
And Elohim made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night, and the stars.
And Elohim set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth,
And to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And Elohim saw that it was good.
And there came to be evening and there came to be morning, the fourth day. (Genesis 1:14-19 The Scriptures 2009 emphasis mine)
Nowhere in Scripture is mankind given any authority to govern time according to his own manmade traditions. Nowhere in Scripture are we commanded to follow a calculated calendar that manipulates the beginning of months with ‘Postponement Rules’ as does the Hillel II calculated calendar from the 4th century A.D. Nowhere in Scripture are we commanded to inspect the Spring Barley still in the fields, The Method for Establishing the Beginning New Moon of New Moons resides in the heavens, the beginning and the end of that debate is forever settled in Genesis 1.
Over the years I have vacillated trying to understand and keep the method for beginning the New Year. Beyond the vain imagination of my own mind, I have read other people’s beliefs and I have found them to be mere manmade traditions that may sound good but simply don’t work when they are examined closely. The main error in my opinion is the adoption of the positional relationship of the moon against the star field of the Mazzaroth. Because of the moon’s retro grade motion against the backdrop of the star field observers separated by several hours east to west can potentially come to different conclusions on the same evening, one proclaiming a 13th Month while another person far to the west will proclaim a New Year. It just doesn’t work, all because of the retro grade motion of the moon.
There is only one hint in Scripture that I know of that could have anything to do with the beginning of the New Year and that is the Hebrew word ‘TEQUWPHAH’, which is often translated as ‘turn of the year’ or ‘year’s end’. However this same word, translated as it is, not only refers to the beginning of spring but also to the beginning of fall! There is only one celestial phenomenon that ‘TEQUWPHAH’ can be related to and that is the Vernal and Autumnal Equinoxes. It is by default that I am left with the one Scriptural witness that exists, ‘TEQUWPHAW’, the ‘turn of the year’!
‘TEQUWPHAH’ is used in 2 Chronicles 24:23 to note the ‘turn of the year’ in the ‘spring’ when kings went to war...
And it came to pass at the end H8622 of the year, that the host of Syria came up against him: and they came to Judah and Jerusalem, and destroyed all the princes of the people from among the people, and sent all the spoil of them unto the king of Damascus.
‘TEQUWPHAH’ is also used in Exodus 34:22 to note the ‘turn of the year’ in the ‘autumn’ when the fall harvest festival took place...
And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the firstfruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering at the year's end. H8622
There is also the Hebrew phrase ‘SHANEH TESHUBAH’ that is translated nearly the same as ‘TEQUWPHAH’ and is seen as an easy comparison. We can find that phrase used in 2 Samuel 11:1...
And it came to pass, after the year H8141 was expired, H8666 at the time when kings go forth to battle, that David sent Joab, and his servants with him, and all Israel; and they destroyed the children of Ammon, and besieged Rabbah. But David tarried still at Jerusalem.
Here again the ‘turn of the year’ in the ‘spring’, when kings went to war, is being noted, which can also be seen in 1 Kings 20:22 & 26, and 1 Chronicles 20:1.
‘SHANEH TESHUBAH’ is also used in 2 Chonicles 36:10 when this same phrase is being used to note the ‘turn of the year’ but this time to reference the ‘autumn’...
And when the year H8141 was expired, H8666 king Nebuchadnezzar sent, and brought him to Babylon, with the goodly vessels of the house of the LORD, and made Zedekiah his brother king over Judah and Jerusalem.
The Vernal Equinox takes place around March 20th and for those who are savvy enough to operate the Stellarium Astronomy Program determining the exact timing of the Vernal Equinox becomes an extraordinarily simple and sometimes necessary thing to do. And of course the same information can be gleaned from the Internet and a multitude of apps, but remember, the Vernal Equinox is a moment in time; it is not a day. In cases when the Vernal Equinox and the Full New Moon beacon occur on or about the same date be sure to look for the exact time of the Vernal Equinox, not just the day, such as March 20th, since that date arises from their use of the sun's position at sunrise on the Eastern Horizon, whereas it is the moment of sunset that we use to determine the Full New Moon beacon. Also, because it is my purpose to keep THE METHOD observational, as well as, technologically free, I want to be able to ‘see’ the progress of the Vernal Equinox with my own eyes from my elevated observation point. In pursuit of that observational ability I’ve described a very simple, fun little project for building a Vernal Equinox Observatory that could be constructed on a person’s observation point if permissible. You can check out that Vernal Equinox Observatory Model at the link below.
THE METHOD For Establishing The Beginning New Moon of New Moons then goes like this; it is extraordinarily simple! The Full New Moon beacon for The Beginning New Moon of New Moons must occur 'AFTER' the Vernal Equinox has taken place. Because there will on rare occasions be a Full New Moon beacon within hours of the Vernal Equinox it will be necessary to be checking the progression of the Vernal Equinox at sunset on the Western Horizon rather than at sunrise on the Eastern Horizon on those rare occasions. Doing that will give you the latest information as to whether or not the Vernal Equinox has taken place during the daylight portion of the day leading up to our observance of the Full New Moon beacon for Rosh Chodesh. Whether the Vernal Equinox has preceded the Full New Moon beacon by weeks, days, hours or minutes makes no difference, it simply must take place before sunset the evening of the Full New Moon beacon in order for that Full New Moon beacon to beacon The Beginning New Moon of New Moons. i.e. the New Year!
Yeah! It’s that simple!
So there you have it...
“The self-evident,
simple man’s observational,
as well as technologically free,
the way it oughta be,
Method of Full Moon
Rosh Chodesh Reckoning!"
The purpose of this portion of this article has been to state as briefly as possible THE METHOD required for determining The Beginning New Moon of New Moons on THE MASTER’S CLOCK. There are some absolute informational gems, which are not mentioned here, but are waiting for you in a much more thorough work at this link... THE HOUSE OF THE RISING SUN! ~ Questioning The Rising & Setting Of The Sun, Full Moon and Stars ~ Part 2 ~ ‘The Method’ For Establishing The Beginning New Moon of New Moons!
Become Set-Apart!
Once you have come to the point in your studies on the concept of Scriptural Time, where you begin to make the application of your newfound understanding according to THE MASTER’S CLOCK, so much so, that you have decided to set-apart the Sabbaths of Yeshua on the 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th Days of every Lunar Month and then also set-apart the 30th and 1st Days of every Lunar Month, as well as begin your year according to the 1st New Moon after, ‘Tequwphah’, i.e. the Vernal Equinox, you are going to begin to look and feel very set-apart from the Babylonian calendar and Babylonian world of exile we live in today! Truly, you will be in the world but not of the world! The Bride of Messiah will have figured out these truths and will be keeping them when Her Bridegroom comes to take Her as His own. Ask yourself, what price is too great to pay? I encourage you to make the changes necessary to allow you to keep these days set-apart; there is a rich reward for those who do!
This has been Part 17 of the 17 Part series titled THE MASTER'S CLOCK! It is my sincere hope and prayer that in reading this series you'll be blessed with the revelation of Time According to the Author of Time! May your eyes be opened to The Creator's Cosmological Calendar!
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